Tuesday, November 24, 2015


And so it begins ....

Nothing like a beautiful snowfall to get into the mood!

Sometimes I have a hard time getting my Christmas on.

The end of November is always so busy, dark and dreary, 
I struggle to keep up my energy levels.

In spite of myself .... I'm starting with the decor this week.

This special little Christmas incense smoker always helps to get me going.
A long ago gift from dear friends who were in Germany at the time.

Next is the living room mantel.
I used to load it with a collection of snowmen but have simplified this area considerably over the last few years.
I like it better this way.

The front hall banister gets the same old treatment each year.
The chalk board in the background says, 

"Let it Snow"
"Let it Snow"
"Let it Snow"

Oh yes, and the china cabinet!

The wall unit shelf  - the plate called Snow Angel - given to me by my mom
when my daughter, Becky was a little girl - it even looked like her!

Now she has her own little Snow Angel and I can hardly wait to hold 
that sweet baby again
 in a few short weeks when they arrive home.

This will be the best part of Christmas for us this year ....

I suddenly feel much better!!!

Tomorrow I'll work on the outside decorations - one day at a time.

Do Christmas preparations make you tired and anxious or do you feel exhilarated?
I shall carry on and remember the reason for the season!

Till next time ....... wishing all my American friends and families a very Happy Thanksgiving and the energy and spirit to prepare for the most important event of the year!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


.... All the people 
Living life in peace ...

John Lennon's song is going around in my head these days too!

This verse came to me this morning as I walked down our country road.

"He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore."    Isaiah 2:4

Our hearts are broken and deep sadness fills our souls .... let this madness come to an end! Amen.

Praying for the world today!

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...