Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A Fresh New Year - 2024

"Another year over ... and what have I done?"


This quote from "The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse"
by Charlie Mackesy,
touches me in this fresh new year ...

A nice way to started off the new year was a fun gathering of friends
for a Mexican themed party.
So many good treats with Enchilada's (made by my friend Jan),
Gary's homemade Salsa, Chicken tacos, Guacamole, Mexican Street Corn Salad,
and so much more.

Punch bowls ready for mock Margaritas and Pina Coladas

So nice to be able to gather again with this "gang"

Another trip around the sun completed for me!

A holiday sleep-over for wonderful moments to reconnect
and enjoy the last days of the school holidays.

My favourite days!!!

The sparkly lights, tree, and scant decorations have been stored away.
The extra pounds from wonderful gatherings and delicious food
has also been stored away - on my hips unfortunately - sigh!

The time is now, for me to get back into routine and to make 2024
a really good year.
I will soldier on and try to stay hopeful and gracious.
God is Good!

Till next time - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Eclipse clips

  Did you experience today's eclipse? Truly a once in a life-time experience. My day began with a gathering for coffee with my fellow re...