Monday, June 26, 2017

Cement Leaf Reveal

It rained almost every day since making these (posted in my most recent blog post)
but that was perfect cement curing conditions!

This is how they turned out:

Hosta and Rhubarb - cemented leaves flipped over with leaves still attached

One very large rhubarb leaf (compared to my size 7 flip flops). Most of actual leaf removed.

We tried some different methods (ruffled edge, flat edge and hosta leaves) - all in bowl shapes.

Even though I really like the deep veins of the rhubarb leaves,
I quite liked, and was surprised by the pretty hosta leaf design!

This one was made many years ago, naturally rain water filled (smile)
with some river rocks.

Till next time -  bring on the sunshine...

Thursday, June 22, 2017

At Last - Summer!

This week passed with some cooking, sewing and crafting
over here!

She helped me bake a "Hurry Up Cake" inspired by
and then we did the dishes ....

We did a bit of colouring ...
I love these days with her!

She is growing up so fast and is a great little
She calls me Nammie and I love it!

My sister and nieces came to make some
cement rhubarb leaves .... the mosquitos kept us working fast to get it done.
The rain today generously kept them cool and wet so the curing of the cement
should be perfect.

I'll try to get some reveal pictures in a few days after they have dried and cured.

Photo taken by niece Amy

A down pour this morning promped me to finish my second fibre art piece.
The garden weeding must wait till it dries up a bit.

My first class was in November of 2016 and last Saturday I took the class again
to make the "other" tree piece.

I find this so relaxing and really enjoy the finished results (even though it
certainly is not perfect). Can you tell that I love trees?

taught these classes.
Her work is truly amazing and she has done many commissioned pieces - one which is on display
at Conrad Grebel College in Waterloo where I used to work.
So privileged to have taken these courses under her direction.

I love summer and weeks like this first week of summer in 2017!

Till next time ...... let's make summer last!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


We all know how important it is to be able to
smell, taste, see, hear, and feel.
Never have I been so thankful for my sense of smell and taste as these past few weeks!

For 8-9 days, while fighting a very nasty virus (that hung on for 3+ weeks)
I had completely lost my sense of smell and taste!!
I have to admit, it scared me and I prayed for healing.

Of course, the more I read about losing ones sense of smell the more worried I became.
It IS possible for a virus to have this happen!

I would rub peppermint oil on my hands and cup them over my nose, only to be 
disappointed day after day with not even a hint of smell.

I stuck my nose right into the lilacs and the lily of the valley - nothing!

I had no idea how much I missed being able to smell these beautiful flowers - even though
they would normally have been a touch too strong for me.

Thankfully, I slowly regained my sense of taste and then smell.
I was so thankful - and savoured every aroma of coffee, bread baking,
and of course the beautiful fragrances of all the flowers around this old farm.

They all seem to be blooming at once during this heat wave we are experiencing.

The Poppies and Bachelor Buttons

The soft scented Iris

The white Peonies that came with this farm - 38 years ago!

The fragrant pink Peonies from my Mother In Law's garden

My little love bug

Oh, how blessed I feel to have regained it all!
Thank you Jesus.
I truly never imagined how devastating this would have been.

This past weekend we had the privilege of attending our former neighbour's 50th
Wedding Anniversary celebration ....
I was so happy to enjoy the taste of these "flowers" made by their daughter.
Aren't they lovely?

Till next time ...... stop and smell the flowers and taste all the goodness this wonderful life has to offer!
Now to work on my slight loss of hearing and my short sightedness - eek!

P.S. - Today, June 13th, my dear Mom would have turned 101 years old. Miss her every day!

Mom with my brother - trying to get the horse to yawn so they could
get the bridal on - smile!!!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Family Picnic 2017

First Sunday in June is usually our Family Picnic time!

This is my side of the famjam and we are a very large group when 
everyone is together (upwards of 60 or so).
Our attendance this year was 37 - still a great turn out!

The old tent was up, the weather was holding and we were as ready as we could be
to welcome those who could come.

The theme was "let's celebrate Canada"
After all, this is Canada's 150th birthday year!!

The visiting went on during
the pot-luck picnic!
There was SO much good food and
of course, I didn't get pictures of the feast. There was pulled pork, pulled chicken, amazing salads, meat balls, croissant sandwiches, veggie trays, Kentucky Fried Chicken, baked beans and oh so much more ...
This bunch sure knows how to cook!

Sweet Kate was the youngest addition to the Gerber Family.
She's adorable!

Relaxing under the Apple Tree

Did I mention dessert? Oh my!!
There were butter tarts (of course), maple leaf cookies (of course),
brownies, watermelon, amazing pie, rhubarb dessert (recipe link below), and more!!!
Whew, we were filled to the brim.

Soon after dessert when the adults were FINALLY finished eating,
the farmer beckoned the children to a hayride.

All aboard!
And off they went - out the "bush lane" as we call it.

Noa came too and was greeted by some adoring cousins.

Sister with her daughter-in-law, looking at an old family picture album.

This is why we take pictures - so we can share and remember - right?

Nephew Matthew always entertains us - our very own "famjamboree".

Cousins doing some "catching up" and enjoying the little ones!

She loves bubbles.

Dads teasing!!!

An absolute joy to see my siblings, their children and their grandchildren
on this lovely sunshiny day on the farm.

The farmer and I want this old farm to be a welcoming place and are so very 
blessed to be able to share it with family and friends.

This rhubarb dessert recipe was posted a few years ago on this post:

Till next time ......... celebrate!

Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....