Saturday, July 18, 2020

Birthday Celebrations, Camping and Garden Treasures

And then she was 5!!!

All she really wanted was a "stand" to sell something.
It was decided that she could sell popsicles
and donate
half the monies to the United Way,
saving the rest for something special.

Well, the stand was very successful and she is donating $300
to the charity and had a wonderful day on her 5th birthday.

The birthday party theme was Mini Mouse and she sported
her momma's vintage costume complete with Mini Mouse ears!
We all enjoyed pizza and mini mouse cupcakes and cookies.
And, of course, the annual ride around the block in Papa's Mustang.

Love this sweet, kind, bright and adorable little lady!!!!
Will love your forever, Will love you for Always ..

July has been full of sun and spending time outdoors in spite of Covid-19.
We had a wonderful opportunity to camp with friends in a near-by
Provincial Park on the ever beautiful Lake Huron.

The sunsets never disappoint and are always unique each and every evening!

Is this Lake Huron or a Caribbean sea?

A stray tame kitty was found and adored.
It must have been dropped off - who would do such a thing?
Our neighbours who have a litter almost the same age have adopted
him for safe keeping and kitten companionship.
He will be in good hands there!

The garden is producing well and giving us delicious
lettuce, asparagus, garlic and now the zucchini are beginning to march in!
Lock your doors!

Nothing tastes better than fresh lettuce from the garden,
dressed with cream and herbs.

Special flavour = a chiffonade of borage leaf

An extra bonus has been the wild raspberries that grow around
this old farm.
We've been picking them and freezing them.
I can't remember ever finding so many.
Now what shall we make with these, loaded with antioxidant, special berries?

Till next time .... stay safe as our world slowly begins to reopen and mid-summer is just around the corner.  I will wear my mask, wash my hands, and isolate as much as possible to avoid a second waive! I will pray for and be kind to those who oppose reason and common sense. I will pray for my dear friend Nonie who is undergoing cancer treatment. Wisdom and discernment will be my longing for this summer of 2020! We will come through this together!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

June 2020 Musings

June was full and ended with a July 1st "non-bang"
No fireworks but lots of fun and excitement.

We harvested the garlic scapes - way too many by the way!
Several batches of delicious Pesto were created ...

... and some yummy garlic scape and lemon butter!
It tastes so good on asparagus, broccoli, toasted bread and so much more.
It certainly is a good thing we are isolating!

Logs of tasty butter for the freezer

Almost weekly,
Sourdough was baked and shared

Tractor rides with Papa were had ...

THAT,  was awesome Papa!
The blooms on this old farm were at their finest in June.

Finally got some lupins to bloom along
the barn wall. I think the weeds were too competitive other years?
One good thing about Covid-19 is that we
stayed home and got quite a bit more work done around this old place.

The "moon flowers" aka Evening Primrose, exploded with their happy yellow
evening blooms.

This never get's old!

My absolute favourite, the peonies, filled
my garden and house with a beautiful scent.
I always think of the dear lady who lived
here before us and left them for 
us to enjoy!
Some of the pink ones were also from my dear mother-in-law, on the "home farm" that's just down the road!

An anniversary came and went with a trail bike ride and a
first time, in house, visit with our wee family since the world hit "pause"!
They brought dinner and everything felt almost normal again.
So thankful for having them back in our lives in person!
What a special anniversary gift!

Things got a bit silly just before they left! Covid Hair - don't care.

A few more quilting projects were completed and new ones started.
Is it just me or do other quilters start planning their next projects way before the one
they are working on is complete?  Yikes!
I will need a long Winter 2020 (bite your tongue) to actually see these projects through.

A seascape panel inspiration
The quilt below may take some time. A pattern is released each month
and includes several blocks that need to be embroidered.
I have not embroidered for decades and it's a whole new learning curve.
Once I got started it became sort of addictive - to hear the squeak
that the embroidery floss makes as it slides through the material
brought memories of home.
Am I going crazy???

Block of the Month Quilt pattern by Gail Pan Designs - "Wish You Well" 
I'm behind with the monthly blocks but just finished the embroidery for March.
It made me think back to what it has been like since March!!!
The whole theme "Wish You Well" could not be more appropriate.

This little lady finished her last days of Jr. Kindergarten,
at home of course!
She is pure delight.

And keeps her little brother entertained - most of the time.
What a privilege to see them become best buds during this time spent together!

There's a farmer's saying that the corn should be 
"knee high by the 1st of July".
This was on June 28th so I think we're good.
Today when I look out over the field, the rows have grown completely together.
Albeit, we are in desperate need of rain!

And here is the "non-bang" ending ...

Our faithful 17 year old dishwasher gave it up and flooded our
hardwood kitchen floor with a Niagara Falls of hot water!
Thankfully I was in the house at the time and had lots of absorbent towels at the ready.
I think the floor survived with just a few bumps here and there. Eek!

Well, that is a glimpse of June 2020.

So far, in the first week of July we have experienced hot, hot, weather AND HAIRCUTS!
What could be better?

Till next time ... Hoping your Canada Day and 4th of July celebrations were fun and safe!
                         Praying that things are looking up and that all will be well very soon.

Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....