Monday, March 6, 2023

Farmer's Daughter

And "sew" it begins again ...

Working on the shirt quilt for Becky and the fitting name of this block is
Farmer's Daughter!!

It went quite well until I got to the vague instructions on how to attach a border,
sewn with angle cuts and block finishing triangles, and the dreaded mitred corners - eek!
"needles" to say after much stitch ripping it is almost finished.
Not perfect by any means, but almost complete!
Perhaps the quilting can smooth out some of the imperfections?

The stormy days and some lovely bright sunny ones lent themselves
well to spending time in my sewing room.
It was a distraction from the thoughts of doing the upcoming income tax prep
(a task not quite as much fun).

The biggest storm of the year so far, thundersnow and all, hit us with a vengeance and left
deep and very heavy snow.
My poor shrubs and tall cedar hedge trees.
Their heads are bowed low and hopefully not broken.

In between storms and sunshine I was delighted to lend a helping hand
to my sister who scored these beautiful crazy quilt blocks from a 
neighbour at her summer Newfoundland home.
We just inserted the navy sashing to make this stunning wall hanging!
What an honour to spend some time with this special sister.

There were some sleep overs at their house and at mine...

So lovely to see that bay window sunset again

She's the best little companion


Fun times ...

Tacos for the win!

Oh and, one of my orchid's bloomed!!

March came in like a lamb but it's been "growling" in these beginning days.
Hoping this means it will go out like a lamb too!

Till next time ... watching for signs of Spring!

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...