Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Fresh New Year

 2025 has begun ...

A picture story for this very cold and dreary month.
A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way.

Another trip around the sun for me and beautiful flowers
from a dear sister-in-law!

It snowed and snowed with still no end in sight!

What is a girl to do
but some yeast baking!
The delicious Fruit and Nut Wreath
by Anneliese,
Mennonite Girls Can Cook
Celebrations - Page 258
**a favourite**

Or a new cinnamon bun recipe
baked with an appreciative

Snow men and women were built!

A quick cold and rainy get-away to Florida with dear friends
was a welcomed break from the snow!
Disney dinner reservations and lots and lots of shopping were the order of the days!

February has arrived and wondering what it will hold ...
wishing lots of love and happiness to all my dear readers.

Almost getting it!

Till next time ... stay well and cozy! Spring will come!

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...