Friday, December 6, 2013

Blue Christmas

It's beginning to look
a lot like a Blue Christmas....

The twig tree is lit,
the planters have been filled
with boughs and sticks

The holly is in full bloom
and I'm ready to give the
inside decorating a go this weekend.

I'm taking Vee's advice and 
cranking the Christmas music loud
as I whirl around the house
making merry!!!!

There may even be some
sweet smells of baking cookies
wafting from the kitchen
before the day is 'ore!

Looking up and staying calm.

Perhaps it won't be so Blue after all.
(even though I love the colour blue)

Oh, but one more thing,
we'll be spending Christmas at
"Blue" Mountain ...


  1. Cranking up the Christmas music makes decorating not quite so much work-and it puts me in a good spirit! Good luck getting your inside decorations done.

  2. Looking up and staying calm...good things! I think I'm ready for some sweet smells coming from my oven! Blessings!

  3. When I was a kid, and we drove around looking at all the Christmas lights, my favorite house was the one that strung a single line of blue lights along the roof line. So I am with you on the "Blue Christmas" theme! That holly is just gorgeous!

  4. Oh I love your outside decor. Now I really may have to copy that! Let us know how the music goes!

  5. Well.. your outdoor décor is beautiful! Somehow I don't think you will have a blue Christmas.

  6. I think a Blue Christmas is a very pretty thing, indeed!

  7. I love a little blue at Christmas. All your décor looks great!

  8. What beautiful holiday decor!!! So festive! I'm starting my cookie baking tomorrow...then I'll really be in the mood :)

  9. Hi Rosella, I had to come over at Vee's suggestion to see your beautiful winter planter. I didn't know you are from Ontario, but I've seen your photo and comments on different blogs. I love your holly bushes and your baskets of greens. It looks beautiful. Blessings, Pamela

  10. As we drive around our area I notice that the blue LED lights really stand out and look great. Your home would definitely make me slow down and take a second to really look.


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