Wednesday, July 4, 2012

7 Days 101

It's time!!

I plan to do my "7 Day Raw Food Cleanse/Detox" to get back on track and this also happens to be my #101 post - Smile.

This weekend there is a church picnic potluck to enjoy and on Sunday evening I will start my 7 days of refreshing raw food, smooth skin, improved digestion, increased energy, and shedding a few of those lbs. - too many potlucks, BBQs and dinner parties!!!!  I am also vowing to get back to the gym (since I'm paying for my membership anyway) and do my walking regime!!!  One great thing about blogging about this, is that it will hold me accountable.  I mentioned this exercise in a couple of my past posts in January:

Hopefully I will feel like shopping for that Mother of the Bride dress.  Up till now I've just not been able to force myself to do this and it's time.

So, to prepare during this week:
  • Start cutting back on my caffeine intake (because for 7 days I will be going caffeine free - eek, and I know how it feels by about the 3rd day if I go "cold turkey")
  • Eat less meat over the next week to prepare for 7 days of meatless meals
  • Resist the "monster" cookies, fresh baked muffins, woopie pies, brownies, cinnamon buns, etc. that appear on the snack stand at work - sigh
  • Clean out the fridge and stock it with wonderful fresh vegetables and fruit - all so plentiful this time of year.
  • Dig out the smoothie maker and prominently display it on the cupboard
  • Gather up my yummy smoothie recipes
  • Eat less and drink more water
  • Weigh myself at the beginning of the fast and wait till the end to do so again
This will be 7 days of raw food (fresh fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, smoothies made from all fresh ingredients).  This excludes dairy products, meat and breads (my weaknesses).  Popcorn and chips are NOT raw food!!!  Sigh!

I'm going to start on Sunday evening by fasting over supper (that should be easy after the Sunday noon church potluck),  Monday morning and afternoon and then on Monday evening having my first "meal" of a mono fruit (I will eat several apples and they will taste amazing).

On Tuesday I will have an apple for breakfast, a green smoothie for lunch along with a bag full of raw veggies, and for supper a huge wonderful salad dressed with a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of EVO.

The next 5 days after that will be the same three meals but I will add different kinds of fruit, lettuce wraps, and a variety of smoothies, alternating the order of meals.

Anyone want to join me????  I'll share some of my favourite smoothie recipes along the way.  We could commiserate encourage........

BTW - the farmer says he'll join me too "for the most part"!

Stay tuned for a healthy week ......


  1. I'm getting ready to do something...
    Hope your detox works well...

  2. I need to join you as I try to get ready for the too...I,ve eaten way too much...YIKES...
    Let,s do it together...I will watch you closely and we can both weigh in...but not report it publicly, eh???

    1. Hi Marg - I sent you an email today - hope it's the right address.

  3. Good luck with that! I know all about paying a gym membership...and rarely finding time to go work out.

  4. What a great time of year to do a raw foods cleanse! I think I'd be woozy by Day 2, but I think I'll follow your lead by upping my fruits and cutting back on meats. A wedding is a great motivator...congrats to your daughter!!!

  5. Oh.. you are so brave! I've never tried this .. well maybe for a day...
    all the best. I'll check in on you and make sure you are okay. =)

  6. Way to go! I'll be watching you and (sort of) going along! Before I read this post I'd started my own little 'regimen' - berries for breakfast, apple at mid-morning, boiled egg with pickles and a pepper for lunch, asparagus and mushrooms for supper with a small piece of meat. No sugar. No flour. No starches. For me it's all about the blood sugar. Your post reminded me to drink water!


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