Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Veggies en Papillote

This really isn't a recipe. It's just a fancy name for "roasted vegetables in a foil package".

We often make this on the bbq or in the oven along side chicken, sausage or any meat of your choice.

Simply make a foil package (or parchment paper package when roasting in the oven).

Use fresh ingredients such as sliced potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms and a sprig of rosemary - that's our favourite combo.

Drizzle with Olive Oil or better still - use dollops of butter.  Season with salt and pepper to taste. Double seal the edges.

This generally takes about 30 minutes. You can tell when it's done by the way the foil puffs up and the meal is sizzling inside the package.

I think the first time I ever had a "foil package meal" was when I was a camper. We would put a paddy of hamburger in the bottom and pile veggies on top. These were then tossed onto the hot coals of the camp fire.  What a treat they were!

Puffed up package after 20-30 minutes.

Till next time ............. making simple meals like this and "staying calm and carrying on"!!!!

11 days.............but who is counting????


  1. Whoot Whoot! 11 days! Thinking about you and yours!

  2. I think I know what I'm having for supper tonight. I just dug all my spuds yesterday and carrots. They are wonderful. We've had that camping also mixed in with hamburger patties. I will just maybe add a cob of corn.
    So I'm assuming the wedding is on Sept.15th? That is our anniversary...Enjoy these last weeks...just keep on calling on God. He gave me the peace that I needed to enjoy the wedding.

  3. So exciting. We are all waiting with anticipation for the big day. In the meantime keep those meals delicious and simple with foiled dinners on the grill.

  4. I have not done the foil dinner for a long time. Should try it yet before the end of summer. Enjoy the countdown! Treasure the moments.

  5. I've done potatoes and seafood en papillote, but it's time to expand my repertoire! Your veggies sound delish!

  6. The count down is on.....I'm sure you are almost counting hours.
    Your foiled veggies looks delish!

  7. I love these for cheap steak used in the same way you did your hamburgers. Often have added the veggies on top and a sprinkling of onion soup mix. The steak turns out tender as can be and everything tastes delicious. As I recall, it needs to be cooked for nearly an hour. Love delicious AND easy. Thanks for the reminder!

    There's a countdown? Must look back and see what's going on...

  8. We called them "Tin Foil Dinners" and they were a part of my youthful camping days. Nothing tastes better. Thanks for the reminder.


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....