Wednesday, October 24, 2012


What an amazing trip!!!
We just returned from the Holy Land
and have much to think about.
From the breath taking views of Arbel
to the salty waters of the Dead Sea
to the beautiful cities of Jericho, Bethlehem,
and Jerusalem, the City of David.

Memories of this trip are many and will
be with us for the rest of our lives.
Some souvenirs that we brought home were,
a water colour painting of the busy Via Dolorosa streets,
beautiful Hebron glass water glasses,
Olive wood figurine, fresh dates,
Olive Tapanades, spices,
a few stones and sea shells from the Sea of Galilee,
some silver coins and shekels,
and a camera full of pictures!

This was a service tour and the 
first 2 days were spent helping
with the Olive Harvest at Nazareth Village, 
a first century experience for visitors and tourists.
This was definitely one of my highlights
We were dressed in first century clothing
as we picked olives, ate some wonderful
lentil soup, date spread, flat breads,
and drank a lot of water - it was very hot!
We were even used as "extras" for a film
crew that was there on the last day.

We had trouble recognizing each other as we worked! That's me and the farmer top right in the back, our pastor and wife (tour leaders) directly in front of us and our friends Jan and Dave far left, with new and old friends in between!

Many ancient ruins in such places like Capernaum, Tiberias,
and Qumran

A very moving communion service at the Garden Tomb
and a visit to Bethlehem's The Church of the Nativity
and a special siting of a real shepherd in the fields near Bethlehem!

We were blessed to walk where Jesus walked and have
found new life and meaning in the holy scriptures!

Our eyes were also opened to the plight of Palestinians who
are trying to live in this parched land!
Sadly, it seems as tho "Peace on Earth" has a long way to go.

Until next time ..........tackling loads of laundry!  Thankful that I have water for this task, unlike some
of our friends in Bethlehem!


  1. Welcome home. Wow, so that's where you've been. Looks and sounds like an amazing life experience for sure! How wonderful that you could make this trip.

  2. I look forward to seeing some of your pictures. I visited the Holy Land in 1984 and it was a fabulous experience. You must have some beautiful memories!

  3. What a magnificent experience. Such memories and treasures you brought home. I hope to make the same trip one day...

  4. That sounds like a trip of a lifetime! It must seem so surreal to be in places that seem like they only belong in the Bible and it would be so great to go with friends! I'm happy for you to have had this opportunity to go, especially since do not know how much longer this will be possible.

  5. So that's what you've been up to! What a great experience. Looking forward to hearing more!

  6. Great pictures, can't wait till the rest come. It's a good thing you had a comment under your picture. I didn't think I recognized anyone until I read your comment. The Holy Land is definitely on my bucket list. I'm just glad Mom got to go when she was able. Hope to see you Sunday (Oct 28). Laura

  7. I was wondering where you had escaped. What a wonderful trip to do in your milestone year. What a rich experience...I can't believe it...It truly is amazing to have been dressed like that and experience it first hand. I will be escaping for a few weeks.

  8. Oh I have so enjoyed reading this post and taking a closer look at all the pictures. Had to call my husband in to see them, too. I hope that you might frame some of these photos, most especially the shepherd at Bethlehem.

  9. Welcome back, can't wait to hear all about it...unfortunately that'll have to be next year. :( BUT I'll be in touch via email. Hugs to you both!


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...