Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reconnecting Time

We had such a great week
visiting with our friends from
Kentucky and Millbank!!

Debi and Larry visit each year when
they travel to our area for a week of
theatre at the Stratford Festival.

It's a wonderful time to catch up with 
each other and reconnect.
Our friends Jan and Dave join in 
with the festivities and fun!

Jan, Debi and me

We went broom shopping
in St. Jacobs

Did a bit of Mother
of the Bride shopping for Jan

Enjoyed a delicious
brunch at Schmidtsville

And had a  quick walk down
memory "path" which led us to my
old homestead.

As we stood in front of the 2 story
historic log house where I grew
up - I remembered that today would 
have been my Dad's 97th birthday!

So many wonderful memories
of him, the shop where he did 
his woodworking
and growing up in 
that old house!

It was so nice to revisit, reconnect, and
spend time with wonderful
life-long friends!

Till next time ..... are you enjoying some reconnecting this summer?


  1. I love those trips down memory lane! Isn't it nice that you can just pick up where you left off? Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  2. Not yet, though I'd like to.

    Are those good old-fashioned brooms? Somehow I lost mine...I think it took a ride on the back of a truck and didn't make it home...

    Wonderful to enjoy your memories with a dear, life-long friends who know what you're talking about! You gals sure are cute!


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