Sunday, September 22, 2013

Welcome Fall!

What a wonderful way to
Welcome Fall....

We just returned home from a
beautiful weekend visit with friends
in Northern Ontario.

After doing a bit of hiking,
eating a picnic lunch
next to a serene lake,

enjoying each other's company,
more eating,

reminiscing and solving the world's problems,
and still more eating,

I feel rejuvenated and
ready to welcome Fall!

Thank you John and Dianne
for your superb hospitality
and friendship.

Till next time ............ how was your first weekend for Fall?


  1. Hi Rosella, I have been enjoying your blog. I can't find "contact" info, but want to know if you have ever been nominated for a Liebster award. If not, I'd like to nominate you. You can choose to participate, or ignore it. Please let me know! Amy

  2. Beautiful fall photos and time with good friends! Nothing better!

  3. Rosella, thank you for the kind words, but really it was our pleasure. We had a super time, and are SO glad we could share a little of the splendors of the north with you and Jim. Hugs, and see you soon. :)

  4. Your get-away sounds like the best way to mark the arrival of fall! Love the beautiful coloured leaves. We aren't seeing a whole lot of colour over here yet.

  5. The fall colours here are so favourite. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your friends.

  6. Beautiful foliage! Hope that you'll share all those solves with the world. I think we need it!

  7. Ha! That's my favorite kind of weekend eating and solving the worlds problems...

  8. Hi Rosella
    What beautiful pictures of the fall colors. My sister was up near Sunderland yesterday and she said the leaves were beautiful. Our trees here in NC have barely started to change color.


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