Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day

Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees.
Revelations 7:3

Original Art created by Barbara A. Palmer
on a card I saved from years ago..... 

Till next time ......... how are you celebrating Earth Day? 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Gathering

My husband's family,
(my incredible in-laws)
have been gathering for Good Fridays for many years.
It started as a Spring Clean Up help day
for Mother - way back when
and we've continued to meet on that day ever since.

Somehow, Murray and Marilyn have taken on
the hosting of this yearly event
and they are the most gracious and hospitable hosts ever!

Marilyn prepares the feast of ham, sausage, scalloped potatoes,
buttered corn, veggie casserole and all the extras!
Not only that, she decorates the tables beautifully,
making us all feel so welcome and special.

Here she is carving the 
delicious, super tender, 
Easter Ham.

The table groaned with all the
wonderful salads and 
extras brought by
all who attended.
At least two trips to the table
were necessary
as our plates were not nearly
large enough for just one round!

It's always a blast with these two gorgeous ladies!

Following first course,
it's our tradition to travel to our hosts
beautiful home
for dessert.
We should have walked the 10 minute drive
after that meal
to make room for this deliciousness!

The desserts were amazing,
as usual
and this year there was a lot of
lemon flavoured goodness to 
There was banana cake with raspberry sauce,
lemon poppy seed cake,
lemon cupcakes,
graham wafer pie,
lemon cheesecake,
Judy's lemon magic custard cake
sugar cookies and more!!!

Check out these cute
"bacon and eggs" 
cookies made with pretzels,
white chocolate and 
yellow smarties.
Angela always brings these fun
and delicious treats.

My niece, Shannon, decorates
the sugar cookies to perfection.
Can you tell she's a wonderful artist?

The gathering is never complete
without a good game of Rook!!!
This usually lasts till midnight or some other
wee hour of the morning.


Till next time ...............  note to self - "get back to the gym" and "healthy eating" - eek!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Check List

Butter Lamb made - check!

Homemade Mustard made - check!

Heart prepared ...... why is this one so difficult?
How is it possible that He died on the cross for my sins?
I stand in awe
and am humbled by this
Love so Pure.

I have been redeemed - check!

Till next time ........ have a wonderful Easter.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mini-Art Quilts

Last week I took my sweet little
Janome DC3050 sewing machine
to a Mini-Art Quilt class...

It was so much fun and best of all
I learned new skills on how
to use the embroidery stitches
on my machine!

Our fearless instructor, Brigitte
gently guided us me, the rookie,
through the steps of how to
create a sweet mini quilt - fabric art piece.

Each "art piece" started
to take shape as the 
class progressed.

Our machines whirred and
hummed, and the creations
began to take shape.

All the while I relaxed and
enjoyed the "there are no
wrongs" way of sewing!

I learned about bobbin thread,
how to properly thread the machine,
about using and adjusting
the many embroidery options,
and so much more!

The final project - finished at home,
turned out delightful.
I can imagine that this may be VERY addictive!

Brigitte has made many, many of these
wonderful little quilts and some
of them will surely soon appear for sale on
her awesome ETSY shop!
That is, if she can bear to part with them!

Here is the link to her etsy shop:  

Thanks to Brigitte and to 
Triangle Sewing Centre
for offering this class.
That was fun!!!!

Till next time ............... warning to family and friends - future gifts may be a mini-art quilt - it truly IS addictive!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Aprons, Hospitality, Biscuits and Borscht

What a great Day!

We travelled by bus to St. Catharines for the
Annual Spring Enrichment Day
Women of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada

Creative and witty organizers,
Delicious food,
Outstanding music,
Reconnections with old friends,
Meeting new friends,
and best of all,
meeting Bev Klassen from

Pretty much a perfect day!

Bev taught us the many uses of a good biscuit recipe!

We were served delicious Borscht for lunch!

Look who I met today!!!!  Such a thrill!

I am so thankful to have been
able to attend this day.
It was worth the drive and 
I have been truly enriched on so many levels!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring is Sprunging!

I stand amazed
at how wonderful Spring is....

It has finally reached our little
corner of the world it seems.

The fields are flooded,
but the drainage ditches have 
begun to "move" as the farmer says....

The puddles and bits of
corn in the neighbours field
have welcomed the migrating
Whistling/Trumpeter Swans
along with a few of their cousins....

What a difference a few
nice warm days makes!!

God is so good....

Till next time ................ watching for more signs of Spring.

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...