Monday, April 14, 2014

Mini-Art Quilts

Last week I took my sweet little
Janome DC3050 sewing machine
to a Mini-Art Quilt class...

It was so much fun and best of all
I learned new skills on how
to use the embroidery stitches
on my machine!

Our fearless instructor, Brigitte
gently guided us me, the rookie,
through the steps of how to
create a sweet mini quilt - fabric art piece.

Each "art piece" started
to take shape as the 
class progressed.

Our machines whirred and
hummed, and the creations
began to take shape.

All the while I relaxed and
enjoyed the "there are no
wrongs" way of sewing!

I learned about bobbin thread,
how to properly thread the machine,
about using and adjusting
the many embroidery options,
and so much more!

The final project - finished at home,
turned out delightful.
I can imagine that this may be VERY addictive!

Brigitte has made many, many of these
wonderful little quilts and some
of them will surely soon appear for sale on
her awesome ETSY shop!
That is, if she can bear to part with them!

Here is the link to her etsy shop:  

Thanks to Brigitte and to 
Triangle Sewing Centre
for offering this class.
That was fun!!!!

Till next time ............... warning to family and friends - future gifts may be a mini-art quilt - it truly IS addictive!


  1. Wow! I've never seen mini quilts, but they look like a fun project. I love yours.

  2. Oh, Rosella. You are a woman of MANY talents. Love your mini quilt! It's beautiful. Can't wait to see more...

  3. Oh how pretty! I can see where it might get addictive with such a lovely result and "no wrong way."

  4. Very nice. You got me at bobbin thread! This is the kind of hands on training I need.

  5. Thanks so much Rosella for this. You are very talented.

  6. Your mini quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!! You are multi-talented!!

  7. Wow Rosella, now that's art! Beautiful! Lisa

  8. Oh my goodness! That is 'sewing machine art' at its finest! I'm thinking maybe I need a new machine. Or maybe I need a fearless instructor!

  9. Love your quilt Rosella - very artistic and fun. My quilting days are long over - me and sewing just don't fit any more but I love to see the creations of others.


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