Monday, September 22, 2014

Glow juice

Here she is ..... my latest kitchen appliance!
She is so sturdy and broad of girth
that she looks like a giant in my small country kitchen.

I finally had a chance to give her a "whirl" today.

My sweet daughter gifted me with this famous "Oh She Glows" cookbook
by Angela Liddon
and I've been anxious to try some of the smoothie recipes.
No more excuses now that I have my Vitamix!

I used one of the Yogi Juice recipes
with a few slight variations.

The Beet-utiful Power Glow recipe calls for
1 seedless cucumber - I used half.
1 small beet - peeled and chopped - I grew some candy-cane striped beets so I used one of those.
1 medium carrot - peeled and chopped.
1 - 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice - I also added lime juice.
1 small apple - cored and chopped.
I added two handsful of spinach and 1 banana.
It also seemed too thick so I added 1/2 Cup of water.

My juice came out looking green but if you use
a red beet it would be a lovely red like in the book.

This made approx. 3 servings and the fresh flavour was delightful.
The banana added just the right amount of sweetness.
The recipe suggested straining the mixture or not if you like the pulpy texture. I chose not to strain but could have used a wider straw - just saying!

Because my Vitamix is so powerful it was unnecessary to  slightly steam the beet before blending - bonus.

Now I'm hoping the power part kicks in and gives me the umph I need to
tackle the flower beds today....

Till next time - making the most of my Monday!


  1. Oh that is a beauty. I'm seen them demonstrated at Costco. With you garden bounty it will certainly come in handy.

  2. I have a super duper blender as well but have to confess I haven't really tried smoothies. I think I love food too much to replace it with drink. But... it sounds like it could be quite healthy and maybe I'll have to replace a breakfast now and then. I think I could do that.

  3. I just watched a cooking demo on our local news today...featuring Erin Ireland and her Vitamix! Enjoy. I'm just a wee bit green with envy. :)

  4. She's a beauty! I think you will be glowing:) I love blueberry smoothies.

  5. That should really pack some good vitamins! Good luck with the healthy eating (drinking)!

  6. Love the little peek into your kitchen! The vitamix has found a beautiful spot!

  7. Juicing has become so popular...and I love it how you can throw everything in from your garden....I'm sure you will have the glowing feeling after this signature drink.

  8. Congrats on your Vitamix! I keep hoping they'll contact me and I'll get a freebie. A girl can dream! I'd love to taste your smoothie...I like how you've included enough fruit to add some sweetness :)

  9. I considered buying a vitamix, but so far, I'm still using my blender for smoothies, and juicer for juicing. Enjoy your Vitamix, Rosella!

  10. I have had so much spam lately and for some reason there's a lot related to this post? Go figure. Anyway, I've put up the word/number verification for comments - sorry about that. Hopefully this will weed out some of the spam. The joys of blogging .....


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...