Monday, February 23, 2015

Binding (and Loosing)

It's been a winter of quilts ...
you may have read my post about this special quilt here

The quilting was finished and now is ready for the binding.

Foreground centre is Sara - the mastermind behind this fun project

We got the call from Mandy (middle of picture) in the library that the final stitches were being added to the quilt! I grabbed my camera to capture this moment, the culmination of our Relief Sale Quilt project.

Ruth, Janet and Loretta - some expert quilters whose stitches are perfect!
I hope that someday my stitches will be half as good.

The quilt was "loosed" from the quilt stands and given a quick underside check to see if any stitches were missed or needed correcting ... there was such excitement in the air.

The efforts of so many hands just made this project so special!

Mandy and Sara - let the binding begin!!

This weekend I also finished the binding of another quilt:

My stitches leave a lot to be desired but I've been smitten by this process and by the beauty of quilts.

Do you remember back in the day when "liquid embroidery" was popular? As a young girl we had a Happy Helpers Club at church and had fun colouring with liquid embroidery on fabric squares. These squares were then made into quilts and comforters (I'm talking a long time ago so maybe you've never heard of this).

My mom also enjoyed this "art" and made several sets of this crib quilt pattern.

I found the pattern along with some finished patches in the bottom of my dad's desk drawer at the Nursing Home - several years ago.
 I promised myself that I would make a crib quilt someday with these lovingly painted patches.

Well the time is right so I purchased some colourful batik fabrics to reflect this colouring book style of  pictures.

This has been so much fun!

The binding is now finished and every stitch (uneven and all) has been done with a thankful prayer!
This will be a wee gift from a Great-Grandmother and a Grandmother for a much anticipated grandchild ....... yes, you've probably guessed it - I am going to be a Grammie!!!!!

I can't even tell you how much love there is my heart for this unborn child.

There is more binding and "loosing" to talk about but I will leave that for another blog post.

Till next time - feeling so blessed and humbled!

"Now I - Lay Me - Down - To Sleep - Heavenly - Angels - Guard - My Sleep - Amen"


  1. Oh Rosella, what wonderful news that you will be a grammy soon. Congratulations. Stitching with prayer and love is a great exercise I'm sure!

  2. Wonderful news indeed!! I'm sharing in your joy...from afar. Love your 'now I lay me down to sleep' quilt!

  3. I remember doing that liquid embroidery at "happy helpers" good memories. Welcome to the best club ever, that of being a grandparent!

  4. Warm congratulations on a coming's a wonderful blessing to have grandchildren. And oh what a sweet baby quilt with a very special provenance. My sister loved doing that craft and created some delightful children's books for my kiddos. Your quilt is a treasure.

  5. I am drawn to home made quilts. I have a pinterest board of them and some saved and stored in a closet from when I got married. Too bad I can't seem to make myself create any now. They require a lot of patience (which could explain my problem), but you seem to have that quality. Good job!

  6. This quilt is the most important one of them all! I am so excited for you!
    I love how you treasure the anticipation, the preparations and dreams. You will be a wonderful Grammie!

  7. Oh, Rosella! That is the most exciting news! Oh joy! Warmest congratulations to your family!

  8. I am so happy for you Rosella!!! What wonderful news - you must be so very, very happy. I just know you'll be the sweetest of grandmothers. Lovely, lovely news!

  9. That baby quilt just radiates with love, Rosella. It is beautiful. I so hope that we will get to see the wee one this summer. If not, I expect loads of grandmama pictures. And you won't be boring me so don't worry. I adore babies, especially those that belong to dear friends.

  10. Such MARVELOUS news!!! I'm thrilled for you! And such a treasure you've created for your new grandchild :)

  11. Oh, I love everything about this post, Rosella. Congratulations Grammie! The quilt you made is really beautiful and I love that it has pieces of your mom's work in it too. I am so happy for you. xx

  12. Huge congrats, Rosella. You'll be a wonderful "Grammie". As well as a skillful and creative'll be one more endeavour to add to your many, many talents. Hugs!!

  13. Congratulations on being a Grammie, Rosella! That is such joyful news! The storybook quilt you made is adorable - that is sure to become a family heirloom. The Relief Sale quilt is also a beauty!


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...