Saturday, May 23, 2015

Walk About the Farm Yard

Old fashioned Lilac bush - so fragrant!

Although later than most years,
It's one of the prettiest times of year here on the farm.
In spite of it being very dry
and a frost last evening - everything is blooming beautifully.

Periwinkle blooming against the barn wall.

Lily of the Valley - taking over a whole flower bed at the back of the house!

My favourite White Bleeding Hearts Plant
Graceful Ferns unfurled and luscious green.

Hostas and Peonies - and a purple ground cover (not sure what it's called)

Fragrant White Lilac - best blooms ever this year!

I learned something new today.
My friend Margo told me that her mom always squished the woody stems of the lilacs when making a bouquet.
It helps the lilac last longer and absorb the water better.
Did you know that?
I hope my bouquet stays fresh and beautiful.

Wish you could smell this ...

Nothing is quite as pretty as a bouquet
 of Lily of the Valley!

My mom always put them into this very vase - it reminds me of her so much.
It looks so nice on the corner of the old Hoosier cabinet that was her first cupboard
and now has a special place in my farm kitchen.

Mom had so many beautiful flowers and almost always had a bouquet on her dining room table.

Well, there you have it - a wee walk about the farm yard.

Look who's waiting to be packed and hitched for a little bird watching "Escape"!

This post was inspired by Vee's recent postAnneliese's recent post, and especially Marg's "Happy Place" post!  I sure appreciated their inspiration this week! There is much work to be done and we are waiting for the warm rains predicted early in the week before edging and mulching the beds.

Till next time ............ stopping to smell the lilacs while they last!


  1. Aw.. and you just inspired me! I'll have to try that pounding the woody stem trick next year. We have a lilac tree (the blooms of which wilt in water) and a miniature lilac tree that seems to keep better. It's done now and I already had to prune it back to keep it small and shaped ... it smelled so good! So I can imagine!

  2. I love these pictures, Rosella! I'm glad the one about smashing the lilac stems had an explanation because on first glance it looked like a crime scene.

    Your header picture would make a beautiful painting.

  3. Nothing beats that incredible lilac aroma. It's a sure sign summer is on its way, and one of my favourite delights of Mother Nature. I'm definitely going to crush the stems on my next bouquet. Gorgeous photos and loved the walk around the farm. Absolutely gorgeous! :)

  4. I hope to remember about pounding the stems. The lily of the valley is so beautiful. Glad you are enjoying all the fresh blooms around your place. Enjoy your birding getaway!

  5. Ahhhh...a little escape! How lovely! Oh the lily of the valley is taking over my flower bed again, too, the very one I worked so hard to clear. I have no idea what the answer could be. They surely look and smell so wonderful that it's hard to imagine them being so invasive, to the point of choking out other flowers. Have a delightful escape!

  6. Beautiful...the walk about the farmyard! Lovely scents too. About the squishing of the stems...I was told that works with all blooms on with woody stems. I have been doing that on the dogwood stems I'm bringing in...and they last a very long time.

    Have a fun 'escape'!

  7. Your property is just gorgeous! I need to try to plant lily of the valley again---it reminds me of my childhood neighborhood. We had loads of lilacs, too, but I've only recently learned that crushing the stem trick :) I do it with hydrangeas as well.

  8. Oh, your yard it beautiful Rosella! It's so nice that you can go into your yard for fresh flowers!

  9. Everything is so pretty, Rosella! We had lots of lilac bushes when I was a kid - nothing as beautiful as their scent. I wish we had some here. Your lilies look so pretty - wishing I had cut some while they were blooming!

  10. My Mom always got the hammer out too with her lilacs but I usually just put them in hot water ... but next year I'm going back to the pounding trick again. I was just breaking off the dead blooms today. I can't believe I'm dead heading already. Your header photos is just so very beautiful!

  11. Enjoyed the walk about your yard Rosella. Ok...I learnt something new about lilacs here today...thank you! How are going bird watching....we are packing up our Fox too. By now you are most likely in your little house on wheels. Looking forward to that post too:)


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...