Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Warm Thoughts

Last year on this very day we were packed and on our way to Costa Rica
to celebrate my retirement and for a lovely warm get-away with friends.

Today my cupboard doors have been flung open and
I am packing for the RV kitchen pantry ... warm food coming soon.

Some meals on the menu will include:
Pineapple Chicken
Crock Pot Ribs
Rice Pilaf
Pasta Crab Salad
Slow Cooker Apple/Fruit Crisp
Chili Dogs

I'm premixing some of the meat rubs,
dessert toppings, home made mustard ingredients,
etc. to make it easier on the road and also so I don't need 
to pack too many spice ingredients in their original large containers.

Also trying to be mindful of what foods we can and cannot
take across the boarder.
A grocery list for once we are at our destination is growing.
Can't wait to taste the fresh citrus fruit, sea food, and produce!

She is waiting patiently for us to fill her cupboards and travel somewhere warm!

Eek!  What am I forgetting???
Will the oncoming March Lion Winter Storm hamper our plans?
We'll see ......... thinking warm thoughts.

Till next time ......... looking forward to sun rises, high noon sun, and beautiful sunsets on the beach, and making many more warm memories!


  1. Oh goody! An adventure! Are you driving all the way south to Florida? =D

    Has it been an entire year since you retired? Unbelievable.

  2. Sounds like a fun adventure , Hope you have a good time and a safe trip !

  3. Oh what a fun prospect! You are planning very well. Those spices can really add up if you try to purchase them for a recipe. I wonder how far south you are headed...

  4. It sounds like a wonderful time to have a warm-weather adventure! March came in like a lion here. I hope it has come in a little more gently where you are. Have a wonderful trip!

  5. Great timing to head south! Safe travels, my friend!!!

  6. I'm excited for you! you look very well organized. Enjoy your time in the sun...and eat lots of fresh, juicy citrus for me!

  7. Can't wait to see where you are off to! Happy trails and safe travels, Rosella!

  8. Have a wonderful time!! So cozy in your little house on wheels!


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