Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Planting Garlic and The Disappearing Nine Patch!

It's time to plant the garlic!

We purchased some amazing seed garlic from a local humble grower,
Shallot Hill Farm.

This producer, James Harrison, works his fingers to the bone, 
growing shallots, amazing garlic, kale, celery root, sunchokes, a variety of onions,
and much, much more.
He supplies many high end restaurants in our area who feature locally grown produce!

Look at the size of this seed garlic!

We cracked  and planted these beauties just before the rain this morning.

I can hardly wait till next summer to harvest this deliciousness!

Another item he sent home with us was a celery root.
I have never eaten this but it is apparently very good used fresh in salads or roasted and made into a creamy fall soup (I might try that).

He also sent us some "sunchokes" aka Jerusalem Artichoke.
I have never even heard of this but apparently you can also plant this in the Fall.
It grows very tall with yellow flowers and the root can be roasted and eaten as well.
It sort of looks like ginger?

So - we planted a few of these - at the end of our strawberry patch.
(I am noting this here so that I remember what is growing there next summer - eek).

It's fun trying different things.
Perhaps, however, I should have read this article before adding this exotic vegetable
to our garden?
Oops - too late.

On another note - 
I had the privilege this week of being part of a quilting project
at the college where I formally worked - what a great bunch of quilters!
I learn so much from these talented ladies.
The project they are working on for the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale next May is
called "The Disappearing Nine Patch".
I love the pattern and especially the colours that are being used.
Here are a few pictures I snapped as the blocks were being created ...

Nine patches are sewn together, then cut into four, rearranged and sewn back into one patch - cool!

This has me going through my own stash of fabrics and is inspiring me to recreate this pattern too.
The quilt blocks will be sewn together before Christmas and then set up in the college
library atrium for hand quilting in January and February.
Hope I will have some chances to join in on the finishing of this project.

Till next time - have you done any Fall plantings or quilting projects?


  1. I will stand back and admire those of you who do fall plantings and quilting! This was not part of my upbringing but I enjoy seeing the results of others who get the benefits of their labor.

  2. That is a great pattern! A nine-patch with a twist!

    My own quilting history is a bit shaky. I have made quilted pillows and potholders, and a few doll quilts, but I have pieced two actual quilt tops (one lap size, one twin) and have quilted neither.

    My gardening history is even shakier. :)

  3. Oh-oh...I see why you are concerned about thay Jerusalem Artichoke.

    Love disappearing nine-patch and use the ones I make for potholders as they are not good enough for making a quilt. I tend to be a little slap happy. LOL!

  4. I'm with Ellen...will admire all those who quilt! The most I have done is a rag quilt or two. That nine-patch method looks great though. Love the black and blue shades.

  5. Oh, Oh! Be carfeful with those sunchokes. I think I've seen them but did not know what they were.
    And what will you do with all that garlic? You will be one healthy family.=)

  6. Hi,
    That's great looking garlic! I hope you enjoy the Jerusalem artichokes (sunchokes). We had some given to us (and we ended up not really liking them), and we've discovered they are quite invasive! If you leave the tiniest bit of root in the ground, it will grow. Which is fine, I guess, if you like them:-)
    Just discovered your blog via Vee's. I live north of Barrie, Ont., so it's nice to read a blog that's from not too far away.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Marie. Yes, we might be very sorry to have planted those sunchokes -eek! Hope you are enjoying this beautiful (maybe last) fall day!!!

  7. Wow, that quilt is a work of art! And you'll be swimming in garlic next year---so nice to have your own crop. I've enjoyed celery root soup (I'm pretty sure it was a Dorie Greenspan recipe), but thought the sunchokes were just OK (of course, it could have been a nervous response after hearing they can cause intestinal issues! Hope you're having a nice weekend, Rosella!!! xo

  8. Can't wait to see what recipes you share when you harvest your crops! The quilt pattern and colors are just beautiful. I'm having fun catching up on all of your posts that I missed these last few weeks.


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