Friday, December 9, 2016

Bread Dip and Meditations!

Wrapping a few of my favourite things!

Slowly but surely I'm getting my Christmas shopping
and wrapping done.

I pretty much bought out the stock at MennoMedia in the Kitchener store.

Written by some of my favourite people - The Mennonite Girls Can Cook.
All the "royalties will be given to orphans and widows who face each day in need"

One of my favourite verses is on Week 11, Day 2
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11"

I can't wait to dig deep into this meditations book.
What a wonderful way to have a daily devotional with recipes as well!
Thank you Lovella, Anneliese, Kathy, Ellen, Marg, Bev, Betty, Judy, Charlotte and Betty
for inspiring me every day with your books and with your amazing daily blog posts!

I will be adding a small package of Bread Dip Spices:

1 Tbsp. Crushed Red Pepper
1/2 tsp. Black Pepper
1 Tbsp. Dried Oregano
1 Tbsp. Dried Rosemary
1 Tbsp. Dried Basil
1 Tbsp. Dried Parsley
1 1/2 Tbsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. sea salt
Mix all the spices and store in an airtight container.
Place 1 tsp. of the mixture in a small bowl or platter and add
1/4 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Add a squirt or two of fresh lemon juice and grated Parmesan Cheese - optional
Enjoy as a dip for your favourite crusty bread.

Till next time - how is your shopping and wrapping coming along?


  1. Wow Rosella, Thanks so much for your encouragement to all of us. We appreciate you. What a great idea to add the spice mix for bread dipping. Love it!

  2. Love your post Rosella - such an affirmation for us. and I might add, a fabulous picture of how you are gifting our books. Merry Christmas to you and your family from Snowy BC. (you might want to check the spelling of bowl and fix it (smile))

    1. Thanks Bev. Fixed it!!! Have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. Hope you are all staying safe and cozy during this "winter" weather.

  3. Dear Rosella, you are such an encourager. Praying that God will bless you and all those you love dear this Christmas season.

  4. Hi my friend. You continue to support and encourage us in our ministry and I in turn bless you as you give and share life with your family and many friends. We are enjoying a snow day here in the valley, and thinking of all of you who get these beautiful white Christmas's year after year. Jesus...our reason to celebrate life. Enjoy the season.

    1. And....I'm going to use that recipe for spices for a little gift giving myself. Thanks for sharing that. I may send along fresh bread:)

  5. A beautiful gift! The bread dip sounds great and I will save it- my only problem with them is that they are so tasty, before I know it, I can eat an entire loaf of bread!

  6. My oldest loves dipping his bread in seasoned olive oil. I have a jar of mixed spices just for that, but I think a homemade version is even better!!!

  7. What a lovely gift, Rosella! I have been meaning to purchase my own copy of Bread for the Journey. I so enjoyed the MGCC Celebrations cookbook; I expect great things from this new devotional!

  8. I echo what my friends here have already are such and encourager and cheerleader. And I love your idea of adding a bread dip recipe to the Bread for the Journey books you are gifting!

  9. What can I add, but to say thank you, Rosella, for your friendship despite the miles that separate us.
    I'm going to make that dip. Sending a hug!


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