Thursday, April 26, 2018

Our wee Prince is here!

There are no words to express how much love we feel!

He arrived very early on Tuesday morning and weighed in at 
a perfect 7 lbs. 6 oz.
We love his name - Sullivan James
We love everything about him.

eight hours young!

"he's cute" "my bwothow"

We had a few days of one on one time
with this little love.

She has a nasty cough and cold.
Bad timing for when there's a new baby in the house.

Love having her at our table and so thankful
that she enjoys being with us too!

three days young

Oh the places you will go little one!
God is so Good ....

Till next time ... feeling blessed and thankful.


  1. Oh my. Such a perfect little face. ~swoon~

    Happy congratulations to all of you!! (Hope your grandgirlie is feeling better soon!)

  2. So so sweet! Yes, God is good. Love the little bwothow! Congratulations to all of you!!

  3. Oh, so wonderful! I can just imagine the excitement of a little boy added to your family and I'm so happy for you all! I love his name! Big sister looks so proud too!

  4. Awww...he’s precious. I see that his sister is already smitten, along with everyone else. Hope that she is feeling better now.

  5. oh he is so precious!

  6. Oh, my gosh!!! I had no idea this little man was coming! Congratulations to the whole family on this beautiful little blessing! xoxo

  7. OH such a darling little bwotha. And I love his name too! Congratulations to you all!


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....