Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tea Parties, Puppy Tails and Lilacs

A dear friend recently reminded me how blessed I am.
When sadness drops by - it helps to remember
all the good things in our lives.

Like a new baby to love - incredible!

His first visit to Nammie and Papa's house on Mother's Day!

A masterpiece painting for her mommy

Peppa Tea Party on the patio
and High Tea to celebrate Meghan and Harry's wedding!

Watching Daddy and Papa build put together a two storey play house!
Such excitement.

A HUGE hit!!!

The humble bungalow was carefully moved to the farm.
(Nammie is excited ...)

Puppies and cousins - glee!

And this little fellow continues to capture our hearts,
taking it all in with stride!

Sadness comes on occasion, and that's O.K.
However, one just needs to take stock
of the happiness, great memories,
 and blessings that have been given us.

Sweet Babies, Tea Parties, Bubbles, Play Houses, Puppy tails, and Oh, the Lilacs!

Till next time ... feeling thankful for friends who care and encourage!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Too many Flower Beds?

Sprung into Summer ...

Barely has it felt like Spring but suddenly it feels like Summer,
Glorious Summer!

The too many flower beds were in desperate need of work.
Perhaps it was due to some galavanting around Italy last Fall and not
properly putting things to bed?

The "before" is in the wheelbarrow. Forgot to take a picture - oops.

More "after" of this 
front corner rail fence bed.
Things are popping up nicely
even though it seems 
ever so late this year.

I think we have too many flower beds!

This time I remembered to take a before picture of this side of the rail fence.
Do you see what I mean about them being in really bad shape?

Awww - that looks a bit better.

Except for the bunny chewed
Canada 150 tulips.
They must have tasted better than
the other ones?
I don't think we'll be seeing any red and white blooms this year.

Mulched with the farmer's help and ready to enjoy!

Front Flower beds - after weeding.

Patio and Herb beds at the back of the house.

I do enjoy gardening but there may be a few too many beds
for this old gal to keep up with?

I had a sweet helper for one of the days ....

Next will be the vegetable garden ... it's just a tad too early
but the rhubarb is giving a nice show so far.
Some has been picked and is ready to be made into muffins and a fresh pie for Mother's Day.

I was thankful to have this sauna on our back deck this week.
It seemed to help these old aching muscles.

Did I mention that I think we have too many flower beds?
I really can't complain - it is rewarding and good for me.

Till next time .... enjoying these blessed days and the privilege of gardening on this old farm!!!

Proud Big Sista.
Nammies joy!

Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....