Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tea Parties, Puppy Tails and Lilacs

A dear friend recently reminded me how blessed I am.
When sadness drops by - it helps to remember
all the good things in our lives.

Like a new baby to love - incredible!

His first visit to Nammie and Papa's house on Mother's Day!

A masterpiece painting for her mommy

Peppa Tea Party on the patio
and High Tea to celebrate Meghan and Harry's wedding!

Watching Daddy and Papa build put together a two storey play house!
Such excitement.

A HUGE hit!!!

The humble bungalow was carefully moved to the farm.
(Nammie is excited ...)

Puppies and cousins - glee!

And this little fellow continues to capture our hearts,
taking it all in with stride!

Sadness comes on occasion, and that's O.K.
However, one just needs to take stock
of the happiness, great memories,
 and blessings that have been given us.

Sweet Babies, Tea Parties, Bubbles, Play Houses, Puppy tails, and Oh, the Lilacs!

Till next time ... feeling thankful for friends who care and encourage!


  1. Oh such sweetness! You are blessed and they are blessed to have been born to your family. Golly! What a fabulous playhouse...two stories! There’ll be many hours of happy play there. The little grandson is a serious fellow just now, but wait until his giggle is working. Hijinks and fun all the time with these two. They will surely be the antidote to sadness and the gloomies.

  2. What a precious new grandbaby! And what fun your grands will have on that new playhouse! So many blessings indeed. Sorry to hear of the sadness that has touched your life.

  3. Such blessings in this post! Oh my, what a delightful little someone to love! There is always room in your heart for another precious grandbaby!

  4. Yes, there is so much to be grateful for. I love ALL the photos---you are truly blessed! P.S. I'm sorry that there came some sadness into your life, too. Thinking of you. xo

  5. I don't know how I missed this precious post but am happy to see it now. Sweet new baby boy! Isn't life always that way, and sorrow mixed. It reminds me of the verses that speak of rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. I'll need to find a humble bungalow for our new yard once we have a new yard. :)
    That two story play structure is great. Happy June to you!

  6. I love your name and your new baby to love, the new house to play in and the new look of your blog!

    Now I am wondering where I've been that I didn't even notice that there was a new baby boy to love! Congratulations! May the sweetness of these wonderful things be a constant source of joy!

    1. Thanks Lovella - I changed the look of my blog again because I lost some of my links on that other "theme" - most importantly the list of my favourite blogs to read. That would never work for me lol! I'll have to experiment and try some new versions.

  7. Awe ... so much joy here!! Love that first picture of your little guy's first visit to Nammie's and the tea party and the play house!
    It's a your house, right? They'll never want to go home. =)


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....