Monday, September 30, 2019

Herbs on the Go

Before we left for our 3 week vacation to the Maritimes
I checked my herb garden.
(stay tuned for some down East posts)

The basil was at it's peak - I had to do something!
After viewing Mairlyn Smith's tutorial on how to preserve this bounty
in Olive Oil I was determined to "save" these beauties.
BTW - I love her fb tutorials. She's hilarious and I must get a copy of

It was easy to do and now I can look forward to throwing them into future sauces and such.

I used my silicone tart liners.
They did the trick.

Frozen and ready to use!

Oh, but the mint, the parsley, the chives, the sage, and the rosemary ...
What if we get a frost while gone?

I literally grabbed handsful of each, wrapped them in wet paper towels,
and threw them into my camper fridge - hoping they won't be 
confiscated at the border when we travel into the USA.
I confessed to the border patrol (he was so nice) that I have fresh herbs on board
and he said no problem! Yay!

While visiting Bar Harbor, Maine and then on to the Canadian Maritimes,
I rarely had a chance to use my fresh herbs because we were SO ENJOYING
all the fresh sea food.

To make a long story short - I did not do very much cooking on this trip!

When I unpacked the camper fridge yesterday, I was ready to see my poor herbs
dead and gone and needing to be composted.

To my surprise - they were still "fresh as a daisy"!!!

Here they are after 19 days ...

I had packed them in bunches, and put them all into one soft plastic bread bag.

Voila - still fresh and fragrant. Who knew they would last this long?

Mint, dill, chives, sage, parsley and rosemary

Upon inspection of said herb bed on our return, the parsley had exploded!

As I really hate to see this go to waste, I searched the internet for a good
parsley oil recipe.
It seemed easy enough to do so I tackled the challenge.

Two ingredients:
4 Cups lightly packed parsley
1/2 Cup Canola Oil
(I usually like to use Olive Oil
but the Canola Oil will stay more 
liquid when refrigerated - as was
My Vitamix blender struggled a bit
when blending this (too many tough stems?) but it eventually
turned out pretty good when sieved 
through cheese cloth.

We drizzled some on ripe Ontario tomatoes for our dinner tonight
and it was so delicious.

I will have to do another batch or two this week before the frost comes our way.
Also, perhaps, a huge tabouli salad?

Can you spot the bright green drizzle?

Well - it seems Fall truly has arrived on this old farm.
I simply love this time of year!
Do you?

Till next time .... enjoying this season (with a long "to do" list).


  1. You've done a great job of preserving your bounty of herbs. You have done things that I never even considered! Maybe I'll make better use of my own herbs next year . . .

    Happy October!! (Wow, that got here fast!)

  2. Thanks for the great idea. I am going to try that with my parsley! It looks great drizzled on the tomatoes and feta. I just love having fresh herbs in the garden...but that will soon end. It sounds like you had a fabulous trip on the east coast. Looking forward to hearing more about it. :)

  3. Wow! That is amazing that they lasted that long ih your fridge. Store bought ones don't last that long. Having fresh herbs to grab from your garden would be so handy. I need to do something about that.


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...