Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Time to Shine

The hall is "dec'd"

The porch is done

Biscotti made

Ginger cookies baked

The reason for the season ...

A special "first time" school concert - delightful!

Front - almost centre with red and black checked shirt

Kitchen island centre piece

A birch theme this year

The mantel 

Mom's China Cabinet

The tree

We're almost there and things are beginning to sparkle and shine.

How are your preparations coming along?

As we prepare, let's remember ...

... to be humble and kind!

Till next time ... shine on.


  1. Everything looks so lovely! Your mother’s china cabinet...< swoon > is really gorgeous the way you have it lit and decorated. How fun to be attending the concerts that your wee ones are in. Your granddaughter was also wearing a big smile I could see. And I noticed that birch ribbon right away. I only have a few bits of it left from last year... I am sure that I need more.

  2. Everything looks so nice at your place. How wonderful to have a baking buddy! Fun to enjoy a concert with your sweet granddaughter, too. It will be a fun experience in our future for sure. That biscotti looks amazing! Hoping to shine the light!

  3. Ahhh . . . there's that tall tree in front of your bay window! It is beautiful, and perfect there! I'll bet your house smells wonderful too, with the aromas of biscotti and ginger cookies . . . mmmmm What fun to go to a concert and see your sweet grand. ❤

    Indeed, this world needs The Light!

  4. Homemade biscotti?! Yes! Your holiday decorations were beautiful. Have a happy new year.


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...