Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 32 and Counting

Well, that was Easter 2020!

Today on this dreary Easter Monday - reality is really starting to sink in.
My heart literally aches when I think of
how much I miss my little loves and the rest of our family.

However, so much to be thankful for.

Ash Tree Clean-up almost complete

Easter Bunnies made ... '80's pattern
(the farmer's old jeans being used)

Working from home ...

(the farmer with our son-in-law,
 business partner)
Junior Business Partner at work!

And me sewing teeny tiny 1 1/2 inch pieces of fabric together for a 
mini quilt - quilt along. 
I think I need to find a new hobby!!!!

Finally, after a helpful free webinar by Sourdough Schoolhouse,
better success with my latest 2 loaves.
(thanks for the link from Marg B. and Lovella S.)

Not perfect but getting better

No butter lamb made this year,
but Paska served with Ontario Maple Syrup
was a must.

Oh yes, and some yummy "HopCorn" was devoured.

The best part of this Spring 2020 are the sweet pictures and FaceTimes shared

Apparently the word quarantine from Italian means "a period of forty days".
There are so many biblical references to the number 40.
Plus, the year 2020 (20 + 20 = 40) might be significant?

This makes me hopeful that soon this global pause will resume.

I have to confess to having some very "blue" days and finding it hard to
even get meals made and on the table - so many meals to be made it seems.
A fair number of hotdogs and hamburgers have been consumed lately!

Hang in there everyone.
We are all in this together!
Keep your stick on the ice.
Hug the ones you're with.
Stay home!

Till next time ... hoping that your Easter was meaningful and healthy.
                         Trusting in the Lord for better days ahead.


  1. Thank goodness we get the photos and can have facetime! Looks like you had a good Easter celebration! Your bread looks amazing!

  2. Rosella, those grands are darling and they look as if they get along famously. You have been doing so good to stay busy creating everything from Easter rabbits to yummy Easter foods. I am now inspired to go out and finish cleaning out my flower beds begun early this morning. Have a blessed week...this isolation will end.

  3. Rosella, I can relate to your good and bad days. Some days we are cheerful and hopeful and content to be here in our little haven. Some days the sameness is palpable. Also, I was so thrilled to be flying to visit Kati as soon as her baby was born (their first, due in a few weeks) and staying for a few weeks to help. Now with all of the stay-at-home mandates and restricted air travel . . . huge sigh.

    I keep reminding myself that He has known this pandemic and our world and our disappointments since before there was time, and we can trust Him! There is so much to be grateful for when I trust the Lord and keep my eyes on Him! (And when we can hug those grandbabies again . . . oh won't that be wonderful?!)

  4. Yeah, a cold day on top of another day at home is getting old. The boys did come over for Easter dinner, but if I had grandchildren, it would be even tougher not to see them! Thanks for sharing your bit of the world with us all ❤

  5. I hear you! Funny how the days pass by without too much productivity...and not that much inspiration when it comes to cooking the next meal at times. Your sourdough loaves look amazing! Paska with maple syrup is new to me. We are having toasted paska (no icing)this hubby's favorite. It looks like we all had Easter get-togethers by 'video chat' this year. Your grands are the sweetest!

  6. I just loved reading this! You have kept busy with crafts ... such cute bunnies! That bread looks perfect. I still laugh at your sentiments about the starter having moved in with you. And what do you put on that hop corn? Love that last picture! They are just the cutest and I hope our littles never remember the time we stayed away and didn't hold their hand or take them on our lap. Forty days... you might be onto something. I'd be good with that.


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...