Saturday, May 30, 2020

Purple Lining and Rusty Wheels

I think I may have an obsession for purple flowers?
Seems like everything that is blooming right now is
either purple or white.

It certainly is such a pretty time of year here
on this old farm!

I am enjoying the Spring blooms.
We were scheduled to be on tour in England right now
and would have missed it - so there's the "purple" lining of it all I guess!?

Also, the farmer has been doing a lot of cleaning up around here
and this old hay rake has been rusting in the back forty for
as long as we've lived here - over 40 years!
He dug it out of the grass and with much effort was able 
to get those gorgeous wheels off.
I've been wanting those for a long time and here they are:

Today was the date for the annual Mennonite Relief Sale in New Hamburg.

Because it was cancelled, due to Covid-19, they went ahead and auctioned off 100 quilts online.
What a joy to see the beautiful hand work with all profits going to
Mennonite Central Committee
for world relief. The feature quilt sold for $2,300 I believe.

Here is a link to the quilt catalogue if you care to have a peek.

We've been enjoying such lovely warm weather for the past few weeks,
but tonight it has turned quite cold with a risk of frost.
My garden is planted and the tomato plants are covered for tonight - just in case.

Hope everyone is still staying healthy and patient ...

Till next time .... stopping to smell the purple flowers.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Covid Spring

Covid Spring 2020

Here we are, isolation Day 66, rainy Victoria Day 
My cup of tea and piece of rhubarb cake is getting me through today ...
I hesitated to post this but,
Documenting how I am feeling for my own reference some day.

This has been the strangest and most surreal Spring in my life/in the world!
Increasingly, my emotions seem to be getting the better of me.
Missing my friends and favourite little humans
I feel so unmotivated and cannot wait to hug my grandchildren.

Everything will be O.K. - right?

All the upcoming "normal" events have literally been crossed off our calendar:

Birthday parties - gone virtual
Weddings postponed
Church services - gone virtual and Zoomed
Church play cancelled
Local Theatre Play cancelled
Mission's Fund Raising Dinner cancelled
Curling Banquet and Annual Meeting cancelled
Way overdue hair appointments - don't get me started on the state of my hair - eek!
Doctor's appointments cancelled
The Stratford Festival Theatre Season cancelled - surreal
Ailsa Craig Quilt Show cancelled
Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale cancelled
Our trip to England cancelled
Vacation Bible School cancelled
Funerals postponed
Wellesley's Apple Butter and Cheese Festival cancelled
and so much more!

Everything will be O.K. - right?

However, many wonderful things have happened too since the World was put on Pause:

My sister's granddaughter Violet was born

Isolated Baby Violet's - First Peeks through the patio doors!
Birthdays were celebrated in very unique ways
Some sewing projects were completed
Mini Quilt Along Project almost complete
Quilting and rewatching the sour dough tutorial

Sourdough baking accomplished

New projects are on the go - i.e. crochet
Flower beds weeded and mulched

Misty Spring Evening
Spring Flowers are blooming

Mother's Day
Beautiful Flowers from my loves. Our Mom's - missing them so much!
Face masks have been sewn
Orioles, Hummingbirds, and Grosbeaks have arrived
Crops are planted and the stones have been picked
Apple blossoms are ready to burst
Fresh Rhubarb, Chives and Winter Onions from the garden
The almost daily FaceTimes with my loved ones - get's me through

Everything will be O.K. - right!?
Thank you for bearing with me on this post ...

Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
The Good News: God is standing by your side, even in the toughest moments of your life. Do not be afraid, stand strong, and have faith.

Clinging to those words
Everything WILL be O.K.!

Till next time - how is everyone coping? Praying that you are all staying healthy and safe.

These two keep me giggling with their hilarious text antics!
I find myself watching them over and over ...

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...