Monday, July 19, 2021

July Joys

 The joy of sultry lazy summer days ...

Sunning Sully - perfect example!

Sourdough baking

(aka - heating up the kitchen)

Giving an old chair a new wings ...

Easy fix - slip cover ordered online

Yummy summer salads ....

Directly from my sun dappled raised garden ... borage for the win. 

New to me daylilies ... thank you former owner!

Mom's quilt stands coming in handy ...

And "sew/quilt" it begins ...

Striving for smaller stitches - eek! This project might take me another year?

Time spent with this little farmer ...

tractor fixin'

And then, this happened ...
she turned 6!!!!

Love her SO much.

Pictures by her momma

And these ...

The ultimate joy of finally having a summer family gathering

The traditional summer family gathering at the Freeman Farm pond!
It just isn't summer without this.

Celebrating some special twin 65th birthdays, walks down the lane, and so much delicious food!

These are the best of July's Joys.

Hope you are en"joy"ing this renewed spirit of summer 2021.

Sent to us from their vacation at the cottage ... perfection!

Until next time ... love to all and joyful summer days ahead!

Friday, July 2, 2021

Scapes and Such

When life hands you garlic scapes,
you make pesto and whipped garlic scape butter!
A fun mum and daughter project.

Nothing tastes better on grilled cheese sandwiches or scape butter on steak!
We had enough scapes from our patch to make many batches of each.

The scapes are taken from the garlic plants to encourage better garlic bulb growth.
The bulbs will be pulled in a few weeks (as the plants die down a bit and the bulbs 
are fully developed).
Always a lot of work but so worth it for that fresh juicy Ontario grown garlic.

Not too much has happened since my last post, other than more and more
doctoring and treatments for the farmer.
We continue to be so humbled and thankful for all the prayers and love!

We have been making treatment days an excuse for patio dining, now that things
are opening up again.

After treatment treat

The crusty bread dipped in EVO and Balsamic Vinegar, 
disappeared almost immediately as we waited
for the delicious Italian entrees of
stuffed Penne and Lasagna.

I loved their oil and vinegar dispenser and am keeping a look out
for a similar one.
The Balsamic Vinegar inside the oil looks like a clump of grapes!
The waiter told us they were purchased at the Dollar Store.

Our weather has been very hot lately (not as hot tho as
my readers from the West), and the banana's needed attention.
A little hotter in the kitchen that afternoon ...

This is one of my favourite banana bread recipes:

I just added some brown sugar icing to the top - so delish. 

Also managed to make a fresh batch of our favourite granola

The peaceful Stratford Festival Gardens deserve an almost weekly Sunday visit.

Soon the "tent" will be lively with some patrons
watching an outdoor production or two. 
This is the second season for the festival being mostly cancelled
due to Covid - as is with all things!

The show must go on ...

Here we are July 1st
and the field corn is definitely knee high ... so much moisture and heat units!
We are blessed.

"knee high by the first of July" - maybe a giant's knee? #little farmers

And, July 1st brings us to Canada Day.
A somber Canada Day this year ...

Till next time .... Happy, Happy 4th of July to all my U.S. of A. friends. Stay well and let there be much
love and light in all your summer days.

P.S. Pardon my "header" picture. Can't figure out why it's so small and what has changed on blogger??? Will try to figure it out.

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...