Friday, February 25, 2022

His Shirts


It has been over 3 months now
and doesn't seem to be getting any easier
And, the World just keeps getting heavier ...

My little survival project these days is to 
cut and piece some of his many shirts.
They still smell like him and the collars are still stained.
How many times did I wash those shirts and iron for hours?

Hopefully a nice memory quilt or two will come of this ...
The colour and design scheme will be simple - light and dark fabrics
fashioned into half square triangles
in much the same theme - tans, blues, black, and white.
He never wore a red, purple or any other brightly coloured shirt,
 so it will have a subdued pallet - much to my liking anyway.

It may take me years to complete but at least there is a plan
And I don't have to part with them to the thrift store
 where no one will know what memories they hold!
Or how those shirt sleeves were filled with loving arms ...

Thanks to a dear friend Ardith for giving me the pattern!

I keep looking up with hope and determination amid the mire.
Daily prayers for strength and resilience.

How are you coping during this cold and never ending Winter?
Or are you somewhere warm and sunny?

Longing for Spring

Family Day Soak! Love this bunch.

Noa's beloved kitten "Purrl" was tragically killed. So proud of her for being so grown-up about it!
Farm Life ...

Till next time ... pray for peace. Love each other!


  1. So sorry about Purri...sweet kitty with a darling name.

    Winter is long and always is. I am thinking about shoveling...not a pleasant thought as I feel like ten miles of bad road. 🥴

    You have a dear project ahead of you with the memory quilt making. I never could arrive there. I think it is the difference between your doing the project and my handing over the shirts to someone else doing the project. Maybe. Well that's as good a reason as any.

    Spring is coming. Of that we can be sure🪴

  2. Rosella, I can't imagine the winter of grieving. Hugs. So sorry about Purri. Our little ones need to also face life with death instead of being sheltered from it. A farm is a great place for that lesson. That quilt or quilts will be a loving reminder. Hugs and prayers.

  3. I'm so glad you know where he is. Remember he is thoroughly enjoying himself. :) Your quilt will be lovely and lovable.

  4. "where no one will know what memories they hold!
    Or how those shirt sleeves were filled with loving arms ..." 😪
    I remember a speaker at a ladies conferrence (or something like that) reminding us as wives to pray for our husbands as we iron their shirts... and now the day has come where you would wish you could again. I love what you are able to do. My sister-in-law made a quilt of her husband's shirts as well. It's probably the only quilt she ever made, a labor of love.

  5. My heart goes out to you, as I think of your long winter of grieving. I love what you are doing with his shirts...and the subdued colours are just perfect. Definitely a labour of love! Sorry about the kitty! Your grands agave the best backyard...skating rink and all!

  6. Hi Rosella; here in Southern Manitoba it certainly feels as if spring has sprung. I love what you are doing with the Farmer's shirts. I made cushions with my husband's button up shirts. Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon, I would love to see photos of your "shirt cushions! A great idea!

  7. We are still getting snow flurries in the forecast. Ugh. Think next week will be better.
    I've been thinking of you and the huge void in your life. There's no way to hurry grief along, but I know your dear family and friends are there for you. I love the idea of a quilt of shirt fabrics. A work of love for sure. xoxo


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....