Saturday, July 30, 2022

Mid Summer Muse

 Here we are smack dab in the middle
of summer 2022!

It's extremely dry in my part of the province
no grass to mow
weeds grow anyway
crops are stressed to say the least
but we are treasuring the many wonderful moments ...

This little man graduated from preschool.
Off he will go on the bus to Junior Kindergarten - how can this be?

The Leis "little ladies" went to see Little Women at the Stratford Theatre
A fun evening!

An awesome one on one sleep over and day at the park with Sully!

VBS (Vacation Bible School) 2022 - Tropical Rainforest theme.
Well done volunteers, co-ordinators,
 and Pastor Julie (aka Jungle Julie) and her hubby Mike (aka Monsoon Mike)
who performed the daily dramas - they were fantastic!

Comforters were knotted for Mennonite Central Committee,
milk bag mats were woven,
Offering monies were collected for Ukraine Relief,
Verses were memorized,
Songs were sung,
Stories were told,
and cereal was donated for the local food bank - a whole gym full!

I had fun helping with the "tropical" and "bible themed" snacks ...

Treasure cones "You shall be my Treasured Possession" Ex.19:5

Cereal sheep - 400 legs were made!

No pictures but there was also blue finger jello with animal crackers on top - served in a boat like cup,
pretzel fishing nets with goldfish crackers,
and fruit on a stick.

Then this happened - she turned 7!!!
Her mommy planned a wonderful Fairy themed event for her first, with friends,
birthday party.

Fairy gardens were made, slip and slide down the barn hill, 
and a Fairy Garden Cake!
Birthday blessings to my sweet Noa.

In other news:

Was joined by my friends Karen and Stew for dinner and the Razzamajazz Music on the Barge
down the Avon River.
This evening featured Karen's cousin Chuckee Zehr - she is so talented!

Finished the binding on the quilt ... (see header for completed quilt).
Beautifully quilted by Kathy Janzen - open hearts pattern.

Spent quality time with my sister Evelyn and helped her sew up
a quilt top for her granddaughter who is off to university this Fall.
She lives 2 hours away at their "Lake House" which is minutes from my favourite
Lake Huron! I so miss having her near ...

Spotted Kate and Will and their two remaining cygnets - don't know what happened to the other 4 - eek!

Well, it's Saturday on this Civic Holiday weekend and time just keeps ticking on.
Hope you are all having a great weekend and be sure to make the rest of this summer 
a joyfilled and treasured time.
I'm trying my best over here.

Till next time ... hugs to you all!



  1. You've been busy! The quilt looks amazing. The music did not last long enough. 😉 Congrats to Sully and a belated happy birthday to Noa🎈 Yes, we must enjoy our days and there is plenty of summer left. Praying that the gentle rains come for all who need them. (I was so tickled that you also subscribe to Celebrating Appalachia. I love the family harmonies and also enjoy Tipper's daughters' channel.)

  2. You had a fun and busy July. Happy birthday to your sweet Noa. Did the cereal boxes fall like dominoes once the circle was complete? Sounds like a great VBS program. Did I tell you your hair looks great like that? So chic!

    1. Aw thanks Judy! Yes the boxes tumbled perfectly and the kids loved it!

  3. What a fun birthday theme for Noa! Love it. And a sleep over for Sully. We haven't had that here yet, but maybe soon. Our grands are just growing so fast, Rosella. Beautiful quilt. Our vacation Bible School starts on August 8th and I'm helping with registration. Both Addy and JJ get to go this year. One day at a time dear lady....

  4. Your best looks very good from here, Rosella! So many lovely gatherings and events! You are doing so well with staying connected to friends and family in the midst of grief and major life changes. I am sure that it takes effort ... which is why I find it so remarkable. Happy birthday to your Noa! And how fun that you and Sully had a sleepover! They are growing so fast!

    1. Thanks Cheryl! I have some good days and thankful for the support from friends and family. Yes - they are growing like weeds and so much fun!

  5. This post is filled with so many amazing things! Love that you got to see Little Women (with sisters?) and your girlie's birthday looked amazing! I love the effort put into that VBS program, the beautiful creativity in everything, including snacks and the inclusion of helping others. Your littlel man is off to Jr Kindergarten and mine to Kindergarten. It's exciting but sometimes you just want to keep them as they are. I was listening to his words today. turning "'K's to T's and there was another mixup that I've forgotten again and that makes me sad. 🤍


A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...