Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday's Mood

 Today my mood matches the weather!
Might it be because it is Monday,
dreary, rainy and cold?
Is it because the "naked lady'' crocus is blooming,
indicating 6 more weeks till snow?

Some days are just so hard ...

However, I am warmed by emails from thoughtful friends,
messages on facebook,
and the memories from last evening's hymn sing!

For one of the first times in a long while, a large congregation
of folks gathered to sing favourite hymns.
This was in celebration
of the bicentennial immigration of 
the Amish Mennonites who settled in this area
of South Western Ontario 200 years ago!

Here is a wee clip of the acapella singing of "606"
"Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"
dubbed as the Mennonite anthem.

We sang at least a dozen beautiful/soul touching old hymns and even one from the
historic old Ausbund hymnal!

Here is a picture of my Grandfather's copy (open book - printed in 1905)
 which is on display for
this coming weekend's continued celebrations.

September, for the most part was good.
We swam in the spa, had a fun sleep over, picniked on the balcony 
(until the wasps chased us inside), and then,
BAM - he had his first day at school!

I was saddened when I heard the news that Queen Elizabeth II had passed away.
She came to visit this very site - the Stratford Festival Theatre,
 at least 2 or 3 times during her reign.
The flag remained half masted in her honour.

Did you have a chance to watch the funeral?
I have to admit that I was very moved by it all and many emotions were felt!
The services were beautiful. May she Rest in Peace.

It IS possible for crowds of people to be peaceful and respectful after-all!

One small batch of salsa was made.

Have you ever tried painting with water colours?
There's a great online facebook teacher - Paint with Janet
 who gives free tutorials and I am enjoying
watching and trying my brush at it ...

First attempt at Scotch Thistles

My dear neighbours gifted me with these beautiful red bartlett pears
and since my paints were still on the table I was inspired to paint one.
Not good enough to share tho!
I think water colours are so difficult but surely if I keep practicing with Janet
there might be some success to be had?
My sister Marie is a beautiful water colour artist as well as my niece Shannon Leis.
I have always
admired their skills!

My sewing studio(room) has been sorely neglected all summer
and I hope to get back at some projects.
Need to start using up some of the fabric I purchased on the June bus trip
to Missouri Star Quilt Company.
So many possibilities.

Some of my favourite memories for this past month:
Bedtime stories,
Chocolate fudgesicles
Siblings breakfast
Sister's anniversaries
Apple Butter and Cheese Festival
Lunches and Coffee outings with friends
Successful Soybean Harvest at the farm
Sweater weather

Ahhhh - now my Monday doesn't seem quite as blue
I feel much better now ...
Still so much to be very thankful for!!!

Till next time .... stay well and enjoy these days of Fall!

A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...