Thursday, September 7, 2023

A Summer to Remember

As I reminisce over the last few weeks,
I am shocked at how quickly the summer is coming to a close!
So many wonderful moments since my last post ...

Live theatre dates with friends but lack of pictures:
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Grand Magic - Tom Patterson Theatre, Stratford
The New Canadian Curling Club - Huron County Playhouse

Have I ever mentioned how much I love live Theatre?
There are still at least 3 more that I wish to see before the 2023 season closes.

Joseph - at the St. Jacobs Country Playhouse

 A special blue grass? folk? concert in the historical
Detweiler Meetinghouse
brought tears to my eyes as the old songs stirred so many good memories!

"No Discernable Key"  a local band of friends!

Record breaking warm summer rains brought incredible 
bounty this year and inspired Peach Custard Tart,
Peach Pies, Mexican Street Corn Salad, focaccia bread creations, and such.
Unfortunately I have not received the inspiration to do any canning - so far!
Before we know it -  dare I say, it will be soup season - another favourite time of year ...

Most wonderful time of year

There was even some sister time at her "lake house" to do a little "quilt piecing"
for the upcoming Wellesley Fall Fair quilt!

A fun Amish buggy pattern

My favourite Lake - Huron!

Summer wouldn't be complete without the annual
visit from our Kentucky friends.
It was so wonderful to meet Becky and Marty who came along this year.
They all taught me how to play "Mexican Train" with dominos.
Have you ever played it? So fun!!!!

Summer wouldn't be complete without lots of hot tub dates with these two.

Followed by treats ...

But ... one of the best parts of summer for these little humans was,
discovering 4 little kittens!!!!

September arrived with a wonderful visit from
a long-distant Indiana cousin.
We met as teenagers when her parents visited with my parents many years ago.
Thankfully because of facebook we stayed connected and an Ontario retreat
brought her and her husband my way.
So thankful for this opportunity!
We must do this again ...

My grandfather, her grandmother's childhood home!

Many common interests ... love you Idella!
You are so genuine and lovely.
Thanks for coming.

Hopefully we can do this again sometime.

And then, suddenly, what!!!!!??? how can it be back to school time.

Grade 3!  Off she goes ...

SK for him with a send off from Spinach, the Momma Cat

Till next time ... treasuring the summer of 2023. Praying for rain to stop the horrific wildfires in our Nation. Looking forward to a Fall bus trip. Stay tuned...


  1. Looks like a full and rewarding summer for you and many of your loved ones. Our 'Grands' just keep growing. A Fall bus trip sounds intriguing! Hoping for those fires to be put out, soon, too. Beautiful Lake Huron photo!! Happy September to you!

  2. So nice to read about your summer, and I wish that I could go to a live theater show with you, Rosella! Your peach custard tart looks and sounds amazing! (As does everything else) Mexican train brings back a good memory of our SIL's grandparents. I've forgotten how to play but it sure was fun! Those sweet grandkids ... they grow like weeds, but they're loved, admired and wanted. Sounds like you have some fun plans for the fall.

  3. You have had a full summer . . . full of fun and full of people you love!!

    My daughter Kati taught us to play Mexican trains and it was lots of fun. It's been a while . . . might be time to play again!

    I love that you have a friendship that goes back so many years. That is gold!

    Like you, I can hardly believe that we're in September already and the grands are back in school. Happy Fall to you!


A Fresh New Year

  2025 has begun ... A picture story for this very cold and dreary month. A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way. Another tri...