Friday, August 16, 2024

Waning Summer Feels

 After Day Camp Activities and Shenanigans ...

We tried some recipes from this Betty Crocker cookbook.
"Nammie's Cooking School"
A fun time and some of the meals were good but others were "Comme Ci, Comme Ca"
according to Noa - smile!
The zucchini fritters were a complete fail and Kraft Dinner Mac 'n Cheese is much favoured
over homemade!

Some preserving and baking going on ...

Pickled coloured beets, Mom's Sweet Dills, Peaches, Sourdough

Some sitting on the back porch and watching the 
Hummingbirds and Orioles
much to my pleasure!!!

These birds absolutely thrill me!
Thanks to dear friends for the awesome Oriole Feeder.
I truly am blessed.
Can you hear the rustling Poplar Tree leaves in the background?
A sure sign that summer is waning!?

Walks in the park never disappoint!

Doing my best to keep a sunny disposition after a life changing loss.
Miss him every moment!

Till next time ... how are you filling these last days of summer. Make them last ...

I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...