Monday, January 21, 2013

Crunchy Granola

On a Snowy, blustery Monday
I've decided to make something
that I haven't made in such a long time!

Back in the day
 when we both had long flowing hair,
 were newly married,
 wore bell bottom jeans,
 had a green shag carpet,
 a roll-away bed for a sofa,
 and our bedroom was painted mauve,
 I used to make my own granola.
Here is the old recipe from way back when.....

Crunchy Granola

8 Cups course rolled oats
2 Cups Wheat Germ
1 ½ Cups Oat Bran - I used Wheat Bran this time
½ Cup Sesame Seeds
½ Cup ground flax seed
1 Cup Sunflower Seeds - added some pumpkin seeds as well
2 Cups unsweetened coconut
1 Cup each of chopped almonds, chopped pecans, chopped walnuts
½ Cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp. salt

¼ Cup Maple Syrup
½ Cup Honey
½ Cup molasses - I used black strap molasses which makes the cereal quite dark in colour
1 Cup Oil (use coconut oil or olive oil as a healthy choice)
1 Tbsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. vanilla
2-3 Cups dried fruit such as raisins, currants, craisons, etc. – add after granola is baked and cooled.

Mix grains, seeds, nuts, coconut, sugar and salt in a large roasting pan.  Blend the honey, syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, and oil and stir into cereal mixture.  Mix well.  Bake at 325F for about 1 ¼ hours – stirring every 10 minutes until oats are crisp and golden.  Can be baked on two parchment lined cookie sheets if desired.  Cool and add dried fruit.  Store in airtight containers.  I like to put extra into zip lock bags and store in the freezer.

Serve with fresh fruit and yogurt or add a sliced banana and milk for a delicious breakfast cereal.

Now I can fill the "cookie" jar with this healthy breakfast cereal
a great alternative to all the unhealthy things
we have been eating lately.  

Are you trying to eat healthier after being in Christmas mode?

Next week I want to do my seasonal 7 day detox
and hopefully the granola will be satisfying 
for the farmer who doesn't always like eating 
what I eat during that week.

Till next time .............. have a wonderful healthy week!


  1. Looks real good! We are back on the wagon of restraint around this old house. Here's hoping we stick to it and add some exercise, too. Love your snowy header. Blessings...

  2. That sounds wonderful... Yes, we're both dieting and trying not to be too cranky. =D

  3. That took me back!
    I'm on the same wagon out here - and have shed 5 of the pounds that found me over the fall and Christmas season.

  4. Oh, how I love homemade granola...and yours is full of all things I love! Good luck on the detox!!!

  5. That looks like a delicious cereal and I need to make some. We all need to eat healthier!

  6. Great mixture of textures and flavours – love it!

  7. Oh the memories of the granola years!
    So tasty...but pretty high in calories too. I used to munch a half cup and feel good about it. Now It has to be more like a scant quarter cup! This cutting back as we age thing is taking some getting used to, isn't it?


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