Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lion or Lamb?

The Last Blast of February!!

Last night we arrived home,
started supper prep before going to the gym
and braced for the coming storm.
The wind whipped up just like predicted
and the hydro flickered and promptly went out!!

We called ahead to the gym to see if they had
hydro and they did - so, we carried on
with our plans, hoping all would be well
by the time we returned home.

Alas, it was pitch dark in the neighbourhood
and we knew that we were in for a dark
and very stormy night!

A candlelight supper of left-overs, warmed on the 
woodstove tasted not too bad.
The planned menu of Salmon and fresh veggies
would have to wait for tomorrow's meal.

The wind howled bending the tall evergreen trees
that surround our farm house.

We were so thankful to have a warm cozy
fire to sit by as we attempted to solve
the latest crossword puzzle, using the only
flashlight that had a good battery.

What IS the 6 letter word for 
Saddle Horn starting with the letters PO???

5 hours later,
we were back on the grid,
just in time for the
11:00 o'clock News.

By morning - our lane was
cleared and off to work we went.

Morning of Feb. 28/13 - The Old Apple Tree

Looks like March is coming in like a Lion!!
I hope so......that means it will
go out like a Lamb - right!?

BTW - the word is "Pommel"...............who knew!


  1. Nice cozy adventure! Feb is ending with blue skies at our place in Salt Lake.
    A tip that I liked: use a can of crisco with a wick crammed into the bottom as a light that will last for days!

    1. That's a great idea - could be part of the car emergency kit as well!

  2. Glad you got your power back! I'm so impressed that you still went to the gym! Pommel...that word rings a bell from Olympic Gymnastic events. Love your candlelight shots.

  3. Right. That's just what it means. We've been warned that we are in for a rough week, which must mean that you're sending your leftover weather this way.

  4. Our last day of February was rather wishy washy and I'm not sure about tomorrow's forecast, but I'm definitely ready for a warm up! Glad you survived the storm...and that you had power before you went to bed! Have a great weekend~


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