Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blossoms and The Oriole

The old apple trees are in
full bloom,
the Oriole has arrived
as he always does
when the blossoms are out.
He sits at the very top of the tree.
It's been said that an Oriole
sings like a Robin who's had
voice lessons - 'tis true!

Listen for yourself......

Till next time .... enjoying the long weekend and gardening to my heart's content!


  1. Oh I'll be back to listen when it's not so late and I can crank up the sound. Your header is beautiful. The apple blossoms are glorious. I was noticing the redbud trees, which are in bloom everywhere. So pretty today was.

  2. Beautiful, beautiful! Love your blossoms and the Oriole's song!

  3. Orioles singing and blossoms blooming beautifully...'tis spring!

  4. Hope you've had a good weekend while you whistled with the birds. There is nothing like those first blossoms. Today it's raining and I'm having an inside day otherwise I would be putting outside in my garden.

  5. I love spring...and you've shared it beautifully!!! xo

  6. We used to live in Toronto, but now live in North Carolina. I love living here but I miss rhubarb and lilacs! I haven't seen any orioles since we've lived here either. Thanks for sharing the song of the oriole.


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