Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"These are a few of my Favourite Things"

This Victoria Day Week has been filled 
with some of my favourite things!

I gardened hard,
as though I was young and
it all had to be done in
one day.
My stiff back and sore muscles can attest to this!

End of May is when our farm
looks the prettiest ..... oh, but then
there is June and September and - well, every season
when I really think about it.
We've been here for almost 34 years and counting.

Apple orchard in full bloom

Purple tulips in front bed
Parrot Tulips in back bed

Frilly variegated Lilac bush by the rail fence

Fragrant Heritage Lilac in front of the drive shed

White Lilac on the Barn Hill

Can you tell that I really like lilacs?

Within a few days, the Peonies,
Poppys, Iris, Bachelor Buttons,
and Columbine will open their
swollen buds.

This really is such a wonderful time of year.

We are thankful for
the corn and bean crops that are planted
and for the warm weather
and refreshing rains.

These are just a few of my favourite things.....


  1. Rosella, we share favorite things. I love lilacs too. I have a large white one, several purple ones with the tiny leaves (can't think of the name now) and one dark purple one which is still fairly young. We had to remove one that we planted too close to the house.
    I love your apple orchard! What a gorgeous yard.

  2. So pretty! I really can't help myself: Note Cards! If those aren't prime candidates, I don't know what is. Have a lovely day, Rosella!

  3. It's cold enough to snow here this morning. Tulips, I used to know what a Tulip looked like, can you say "Arctic Tundra"? It doesn't photograph nearly as well as your lovely Lilacs.

  4. Your lilacs are gorgeous! Loved each and every photo. I understand the working like your young part and the sore muscles to deal with after the fact!! I wonder what trouble I can get myself into during our long weekend? Blessings...

  5. Your gardens looks beautiful! I love lilacs too. The color is so pretty and they smell amazing. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. You have some beautiful flowers to make spring so pretty. I think your rail fence is a nice backdrop for your plants.

  7. I'm smiling at your working like in your youth....oh the silly things we do:) I've felt my aging joints and bones...I can so relate.
    Your yard looks like a nice place to stroll. I can almost smell those lilacs.

  8. One of my favorite things is a vase filled with lilacs just like you have there!
    One of the blessings of a mature yard! Looks like you have many!

  9. The bounty from your yard is gorgeous! You are surrounded by such beauty...thanks for sharing, Rosella!

  10. Dear Rosella,
    I love your blog and read it often as well as other blogs from the MCGG community. I feel you are all treasures! A quick question for you: My husband and I are going to be in southern Ontario (Burgessville) for my dearest friend's wedding on Thursday (We're coming up from Central Illinois). We are going to visit Niagara-on-the-Lake on Friday because we have both wanted to always see Niagara Falls. Do you have any other suggestions for something to do? We have one whole day to explore, but we don't have a clue where to go. We love nature, hikes, good food :), history. I appreciate any thoughts!


    1. Oh yes you must go to Niagara Falls and if you go to Niagara-On-The-Lake as well you will love it!! There are many wineries in the area and lovely little shops. I'm not familiar with things around Burgessville as we live approx. 1 hr. and 15 min. North of that area (we are near Stratford). Stratford has a world class Shakespearian Festival - you can check it out on line at if you are interested. Burgessville is also near the shores of Lake Erie with many lovely little towns and Provincial parks. We like to visit Port Burwell, Port Rowan and Port Dover on occasion. I do hope you have a most wonderful trip and wish I could be of more help on this. Safe travels!!

  11. Most beautiful...all your blooms! Lilacs are just such a symbol of spring. I planted five varieties of lilacs on the farmyard...and then built a new house on the 'back 40' I'm starting over with lilacs.

    Doesn't it feel good to have been in one place for so long? We've only been here for 25 years...but it seems like a lifetime to me, since it is the farm I grew up on.

  12. I just found your blog via your comment on another's…your beautiful blooms greeted me when I clicked on your page! Lilacs remind me of childhood, and I can almost smell them looking at your photos…Tulips are my other favorite! I'll be back!


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