Thursday, July 24, 2014

All on a Summer's Eve...

A hot air balloon
gently floating by 
the farm.

Reminding me that
these are the days of Summer.

Sunsets streaming through
the back yard arbour on
freshly mowed grass.

Summer evenings (and 
monster mosquitos).

A garden doing it's 
best to produce
fresh edibles in spite
of a late start and sparse germination.

Summer's promise...

Summer blooms .....

Sweet stir fried snow peas 
from a friend's luscious garden.

Summer's treats.

Happy Summer's Eve to you .................


  1. Lovely images from your summer evenings. We're headed for a warmer spell here in the PNW. Have a great weekend!

  2. Ahhhh lovely...the pictures...the prose...the promise. The late start is very evident here, too. I now no longer bother tending the tomatoes as I have reconciled myself to the fact that they will never grow. Farmer's Market here I come!

  3. Your snow peas look terrific! And I'm glad to know we're not the only ones dealing with monster mosquitoes! Have a terrific weekend, my friend!

  4. There is just something wonderful about a farm garden in the end of summer. Love it!

  5. Hi Rosella! What a perfect summer eve...well, except for the mosquitos! Love that a hot air balloon flew over your farm! I wanted to let you know that you won "Honorable Mention" in my "Where Is Ms Toody" contest, as the first to guess South Carolina. Someone else guessed a more specific location in SC, so she was the winner, but I'd like to send you a very small souvenir for playing along. Can you please email me at, and send me a mailing address, so I can send it to you? Amyxoxo

  6. The sunset light on the velvet green of fresh cut grass photo: beautiful!
    Oh dear on the dratted Mosquitos that seem to enjoy that exact scene as well, and seem to think that such scenes deserve to be celebrated with picnicking on humans!


  7. Summer treats such as these (except for the mosquitos) are special because we know they won't last. Enjoy!

  8. Perfect way of describing your summer. I can identify with most...except we do not have mosquitoes at our house...because we always have a strong westerly wind blowing...hence...they are blown away. Keep checking out Rad-Reisen...You would truly enjoy this.

  9. I'd love to come and sit in your garden and enjoy a visit....and something to eat from your garden.

  10. I'm playing catch-up on some missed posts over here! It's all looking good over there...including the stir fry. We found those monster mosquitoes out on the prairies last week (or rather...they found us!).


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