Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cloud Bursts and Fried Green Tomatoes

We've had SO much rain lately but I finally had a day
that I could get into the garden to do some much needed weeding.
The sun shone warmly, the humidity was high and I enjoyed
pulling the weeds and seeing the garden's progress!

As I was happily weeding,
the skies turned dark
and thunder was heard in the distance!
Ugh .... not again! 
We've been experiencing torrential rains
once a day or so for the past few weeks.

Within minutes - the clouds
opened up and it literally drowned
my freshly weeded garden.

The tomatoes are
so heavy that they are bending
the cages.
Since they are not quite ripe
I decided to pick a few 
and try making
Fried Green Tomatoes!
I was inspired to do so after 
reading one of my favourite
bloggers where she had
tasted some of these on a recent
vacation to South Carolina.

While the farmer
barbecued the steak (our reward for a busy and productive Saturday)
I set to work to make these
tasty treats!
It was easier than I expected!

I simply dredged the slices in
seasoned flour, then dipped them into a whisked egg and finally coated them in Panko bread crumbs.
It only took a minute or two on each side to fry them in vegetable oil - so yummy!

Now, back to my soggy garden ....
I actually got stuck almost lost my flip flops while taking the pictures of the green tomatoes!

Thank goodness for the rain barrel to wash my feet ...

Have you ever had or made Fried Green Tomatoes?
They really are worth the effort .....

Till next time .......... happy Civic Holiday Weekend to my Canadian friends and families.


  1. Could you please send us a little of that rain? We are experiencing the driest summer since 2003. The ground underfoot seems to crackle in the heat. I will have to go on over to Miss Toody Goo Shoes to have a look at that recipe - it looks scrumptious!
    Your toes - how pretty! I've been wondering about trying a shade of blue!

  2. Aw, Rosella, thank you for the link to my blog! The fried green tomatoes look just like the ones we had in SC! I'm hoping that by now you received my little gift, which hopefully inspired your recipe! Please let me know, I have a Customs number for the package I sent, but not sure if that will help me to track it. Hope your rain lets up, and I love your toe polish color!

  3. Your recipes always make my mouth water, and you make it look SO easy. Want me to remind the Farmer what a lucky man he is?! ;-)

  4. Yes, but I only use those last stragglers that have no hope of ripening. I prefer them red and juicy. Love the bright August day look of your blog!

    We have those torrential rains every four or five days, too. Quite something.

  5. Oh my that is quite a lot of rain. Look at that fabulous garden of yours. I'm so impressed. Those fried green tomatoes look real good. I did enjoy some when Katie and I traveled to Andrew's graduation into the Marine corp in South Carolina.

    1. Don't be too impressed with that "sparse this year" garden - lol! Once I weeded, it really looked sparse - the tomatoes, however, are plentiful this year - just hope they ripen before they mold or rot.

  6. Rosella, those fried green tomatoes look so delicious. I have lots of green tomatoes in our garden and I think I'll have to pick a few and take them camping this week and try them in the campsite. Your garden looks wonderful... even wet.

  7. Hope you're enjoying your holiday! Your fried green tomatoes look awesome...I had my first ones only a couple years tasty! And though we haven't had as much rain as you, our yard is still very green! Not so typical for August :)

  8. Looks like your garden is doing great! We've had the heavy down pours almost daily here too : )

  9. Oh my goodness - we need your rain! We've had cloud cover and rain forecasts but not a shower in our area. The grass is turning brown and we're watering everything. I have 2 good tomato plants so I'll think I'll leave them to turn red - but if they look as if they're not going to ripen, I'll certainly try this recipe.It looks tasty. My dh's grandmother used green tomatoes to make a relish called picklelilly - very tasty too! Hope you get some sunshine soon.

  10. We have had unusual amounts of rain too. Those fried green tomatoes look yummy and your garden look beautiful!

  11. Oh my have had a lot of rain. Wish we could share some of our beautiful summer weather with you! We tried fried green tomatoes in Branson, Missouri last fall...first time ever for me. Tasty indeed.

  12. Oh boy do I ever love FGT!
    I use the same sort of recipe that you use. But sometimes I make them using a New Jersey Fried style that my childhood friend's mom taught me half a century ago (my how time flies!) She dipped the slices in milk and then dredged them in flour seasoned simply with salt and pepper. The slices were then fried in butter until golden. At the end a half cup or so of milk was poured into the pan and a milk gravy formed from the butter tomato juices and flour in the pan. I was astonished to learn years later that hers was not the classic recipe for FGT!
    My other method is to bread them as you have done and then deep fat fry them. It is a faster way to make a lot of FGT especially on a hot day when standing over a fry pan is just too much. By the way...I posted a foodie post with a give away if you are interested. :)


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