Sunday, November 9, 2014

November Days

The days of November started with a bang!
The weather held for a few days,
the combine rolled in,
the dust flew,
and the farmer was extremely relieved .....

... and thankful to have been able to save the soy bean harvest
(it was beginning to look grim and very late).

These few days of fair weather
gave us a chance to quickly plant the  garlic bulbs and to transplant a few rhubarb plants into the front garden.

I saved some of the rhubarb roots
to make an oil infusion ...
for future hand made soap.
Yep, I will surely post something
if this ever comes to fruition,
of course!

The remainder of the first week of November
saw yet more rain and even sciffs of snow!
Awww - the dull days of November have arrived.

There was another bright spot, however,
My friend Louise and I were so inspired by

we tied on our aprons
and had an Antipasto chopping and canning party .... that was fun!
Louise has made this in the past and we used
her church's cookbook recipe, tweaking it slightly
with hints from Bev's recipe.

We ended this first week in November
with going to see a play - The Drowsy Chaperone,
(it was brilliant!)
and making some Winter holiday plans with dear friends
over dinner.

Maybe November won't be so dull after all??

Till next time .......... remembering the poppies of November!! Lest we forget ....


  1. Beautiful photos. I had never seen soy bean crops until my recent trip to New York. I loved them.

  2. You know how to jazz up November! So glad that the harvest is safely in, too. I might try canning if I could get a friend to do it with me. Way more fun that way!

    Yes, beautiful remembering with these poppies waving...

  3. Well you sure have been busy on your farm! Glad the farmer got that crop in just in time! How fun to share a canning day with a friend. We are remembering down here, too!

  4. I love your harvest photos. I grew up in the heart of soybean and corn country...and spent many summers in the fields :) It looks like you two had a terrific canning session!

  5. Your farm pics are beautiful and that antipasto looks so good!
    I saw some at Costco and looked at it and had to remind myself it just would not taste like Bev's... or yours for that matter now.

  6. Beautiful photos of your farm, Rosella! Life there seems anything but dull! I am looking forward to reading about the rhubarb soap!

  7. Glad you got those soybeans in! How fun to have an antipasto party! I have a jar of Bev's antipasto sitting on my shelves here...waiting for the right occasion to be cracked open. Yum.

  8. Productive! Thats the word that comes to mind seeing the farm and the jars filled:)


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