Wednesday, November 19, 2014


How can this be mid-November?
It feels like mid-January - eek!

Disclaimer - no people or horses were harmed
while taking these pictures from inside my warm and cozy home......


Till next time .............. staying fireside!


  1. Oh my goodness! Sure makes for great pictures though. Stay warm and cozy!

  2. Oh wow! So pretty! There are times I wish for enough snow to kind of stop normal life and keep us all inside!

  3. Yikes, indeed. Can't say I miss that! Hang in there and stay warm. :)

  4. Oh my! Are you on the north side of those lake effect snows upper New York state is getting? Let us pray that if arrived early, it will leave early. Stay cozy, Rosella!

  5. Oh my oh my. This is really amazing to see right now. Hope you can keep staying inside with heat and lights and enjoy the views.

  6. We haven't been hit by the cold, white stuff yet, but your pictures make me want to prepare for them now! Your snow photos are beautiful.

  7. We even had snow down in central Indiana! And below zero wind chills. I hope this isn't a sign of the winter to come. Keep warm, my friend!

  8. I does look like a winter wonderland ... so pretty!

  9. Your pictures sure are pretty, but I am hoping we can avoid snow as long as possible!

  10. It looks so beautiful Rosella! We have nothing but rain, rain and more rain here... not so pretty but not so cold either. I love seeing winter through either your window or mine.

  11. You don't need many words to let me know how you are feeling and thinking. And here we have cold weather and Vancouver has the snow...and we have the cold...I love just a bit of this year we bought a tree that was flocked....I need winter wonderland and your photos demonstrate that so well. Thanks for all your support and encouragement to our MGCC blog. I really appreciate your support.


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....