Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Wonderful time of year!

It's one of my favourite times of year
here on the farm!

The peonies, poppies, and rhubarb all came with the farm
when we moved here almost 39 years ago!

We were so blessed to have 25 members of the former owner's family
visit on Sunday afternoon for a little "open house".
Many pictures were taken but ne'er a one by me - oops!
It was so heart warming to hear reminiscing by the "grandchildren"
of this precious family. 
They remembered the old apple tree,
their Grandmother's flowers, delicious meals, and wonderful times.

We always knew that this farm had good vibes and are thankful to have
enjoyed it all these years hence!

It was just so great to see everyone again ...

If only you could smell these!

In the meantime, I finished the quilt top for Noa's big girl bed
and delivered it to the quilters.
I can't wait till it's done and to give it to her.

Also, just a few weeks ago our friend Mary had us over
for a sushi making night.
It was an awesome night and delicious meal!
We love sushi and it was so much fun to learn how to make the rolls.

My first attempt.

Thanks so much Mary!

This week I took another quilt making course and am
loving putting together a "One Block Wonder" quilt.
It might not get done till Fall but am glad to have learned this technique.
The colours are way out of my comfort zone - maybe that's why I love it?

Now I shall leave you with a little bit of love ...

Those cheeks!!

Till next time .... stop and enjoy the June flowers.


  1. Oh my goodness. That last photo is so precious!!

    Sounds like June is just about perfect in your neck of the woods! We have had some lovely weather here this week. I am soaking it in!

    I'll bet it was a thrill to share your home with the family of the former owners.

  2. How nice to have the former farm family over to enjoy it's memories again. The quilt for big girl's bed is going to be fabulous. What a sweet photo you ended the post with. You've been busy!

  3. Oh how nice to have inherited so many wonderful plants. I was hoping that you had planted the peony that looks so much like mine. I have no idea what mine is.

    Oh sweetness with your little grands...

  4. What beautiful blooms! How special that many of them are antiques! Aren't June flower gardens just the best?

    Love those cheeks! :)

  5. Your quilt in process is just beautiful! Kind of a reflection of you garden.


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