Monday, April 8, 2019

Maple Surple Time

Spring is in the air.
We know this:
Because it's Maple Sugaring time!

One of our favourite producers
here in our neck of the maple woods!

Apparently this has been an exceptional year
 (due to the extra warm and long summer of 2018 and perfect mild days and frozen nights this Spring?).

Because the Stratford Swans have been "piped"
and marched down to the Avon River!

Guided to the water by their elderly "keeper". A wonderful annual Spring ritual!

Best Swan Parade viewing spot!

Because the Pussy Willows are in bloom!

The farmer picked a huge bouquet for me.

Because the chives have grown an inch in the last
two days!

Because there's an urge to make Mom's special Fett Kucha (donuts) to dunk into that sweet maple syrup!
(A Swiss Mennonite Easter traditional treat - at least it was in our family)
My sister's picture is below ... she has inherited Mom's good cooking genes!

Fett Kucha by Evelyn

Because Easter preparations are underway!
Onion skins are being collected to colour the "bunny eggs".
Dinner plans for the Easter Ham menu.
Family gathering plans.
Our hearts are being prepared for this very special upcoming Holy Week.

Because the butter lamb carving needs to be put on the to do list!

The 2017 Easter lamb!

and oh so many other signs of Spring!
Even though, the temperatures are still staying quite cool
and the weather forecaster has threatened more possible snow flurries on the way.

Till next time ...... how are your Easter preparations coming along? What are some of your family's traditions? Has Spring arrived where you are?


  1. Wow! What fun that is to watch the Stratford Swans serenaded! I've always been a fan our your butter lamb! That maple syrup is making my mouth water! I love Easter but this year it looks like I won't be baking Kulich/Paska or making seernaya paska. Baby B., the second, is coming smack dab in the middle of Easter prep!

    1. So happy for you all!!! An Easter baby is way more important than paska. Praying for a safe and healthy arrival.

  2. I have most of my commenting woes worked out...Firefox browser to the rescue. Phew! I don’t like not being able to chat.

    🦢Your little grandgirlie is enjoying her Swan Parade perch...all smiles.

  3. Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Our family used to live in Elmira - it's still our most favorite place in Canada. The maple syrup festival was a highlight for us every year.

  4. What fun times over there...with all the festivities around maple sugaring! Love your Easter butter lamb! As for my Easter prep...the first batch of Easter bread/Paska has been baked and enjoyed. I love all the seasonal lemon 'everything'!

  5. You are having such lovely Spring signs and activities! I am enamored with the idea of maple sugaring, probably from my days of reading the Little House series as well as other children's books. It just sounds so thrilling! Yummy Easter treats (including that amazing butter lamb!) and special gatherings make spring such a wonderful time of year!


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...