Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spring Joy!

Our sweet boy, Sullivan James
turns ONE today!!

The time has gone by so quickly.

Sully you are a joy and you delight our hearts every day.

We thank the Lord each day for you and for your amazing big sister, Noa.
How did we even ever deserve this? God is so good!

We love your sunny disposition,
your warm snuggles,
your sparkling blue eyes,
and everything about you!

May God bless you and keep you - we love you Sully Bear!

Photo credits go to Sully's Daddy!!!

Till next time ..... Counting our blessings and wishing you much Spring Joy!


  1. Precious grands...I sound like a broken did that year go by so fast?! Love those kisses big sister is giving her little brother...

  2. Happy, happy birthday to your adorable little guy! Such sweet photos!

    Oh my (echoing Vee) . . . could it really have been a year already?!

  3. How did this happen so quickly? I can only imagine your joy in being able to be part of your grands lives! So precious!

  4. Happy birthday, sweet Sully! I bet those two get more fun every day! What a blessing in your life!!! xo

  5. One already? Adorable and adored (I can tell)! By the way, I really like his name!

  6. Happy Birthday to Sully! What sweet pictures of your two grandbabies!

  7. Somehow my feedly has failed me in seeing this sweet post. Love the sister and brother photos. So adorable. can it be one year already. Boy time flies with grands. So happy they are closer to you and you get to enjoy them more. Love Sully's smiles!


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....