Thursday, February 13, 2020

All You Need is Love ...

All you need is Love ...

... and some sweet grandchildren!

... and cousins to celebrate 68 years!

Us - Circa 1953 or 1954?

Us now. Me, Doreen, and Jean - Circa 2020

Their mom's were my dad's sisters.
So many wonderful memories over these many, many years.
Born within 12 weeks of each other.
Was a bridesmaid for each of their weddings!
We should get together more often.

A cake to mark the occasion.

... and good neighbours who help fell some dead Ash trees!

... and a husband who cares for the land and loves me unconditionally

Every other tree came down. We will have lots of fire wood in the future!

... and most importantly, a loving Lord who hears and answers our prayers.

Recent Super Moon

Till next time ............. Happy Valentines Day with much love to you all my dear readers! Hugs.

Will you?


  1. Grandchildren are the sweetest for sure. They grow up so fast. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  2. The grands are so adorable and probably very impressed with Mr. Snowman. He is impressive—so tall! (The last snowman I made was six inches high.)

    Most especially pleased to see the cousins three. My grandparents had a bumper crop of granddaughters one year and I was blessed to be the eldest of the trio. I so agree that cousins should get together more often!

    Happy ♥️ Valentine’s Day!

  3. I love the photos in this post! The one with your sweet grands and the giant snowman is precious . . . and so are the three cousins, then and now! How special to have shared birthdays and memories over the years!

  4. Grands. Cousins. Hubby. Neighbours. Friends. Isn't it fun to celebrate the love we have for each other? Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day. I just copied a 1950's cousin pic from my mom's photo album this week. Such sweet memories.

  5. I love that 50's photo! How did we get to 2020? But the experiences and memories make it all good, even though we are old now. =)

  6. Your grandchildren keep getting cuter and cuter!! And how fun to get together with your cousins. We had a cousin reunion on my mom's side a couple of summers ago...hope we can do it again soon :)

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Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....