Monday, March 9, 2020

Lions, Lambs, and Snowy Owls

The end of February suddenly became very Wintery
with a huge stormy and snowy blast,
and I was sure that March would come in like a Lion!

However, it actually came in like a lamb with a warm sunny day.
Does this mean that March will also go out like a Lion?
I SO long for Spring ... just saying.

This beautiful snowy owl
doesn't seem to mind the Winter.

These beautiful birds have been sighted
quite frequently recently in our area.
So glad I was able to get this shot!

Speaking of snowy owls,
I've let my hair go "snowy" and am actually starting to get used to it.
I know that it makes me look older but I am, after all, older!
It still gives me a start on occasion when I look in the mirror and see all that silver!

I've been sewing with a bit of urgency as my Winter projects
are starting to come to an end.
This huge quilt is for our bed - I hope.
I have four more blocks to sew together and then need to assemble the quilt.
It might be another year by the time it actually get's totally finished.
It's been a fun project but now I'm not even sure I still like the fabric - eek!

16 of 20 blocks have been assembled so far.
4 more to go!


Our little lambs are growing up so fast.

They bring us so much joy!

A sure sign of Spring - Ontario's Maple Syruping has begun!

Till next time ... With the World's grim news these days, stay calm and healthy!
                          Perhaps our earth and climate crisis is in need of this "shut down" rest? 


  1. Your little lambs are so cute! I think I understand your heart feels for the joy that they bring us! We are suppose to get a few more inches of snow this weekend. Love the owl. Your silver looks real good! It's good for us to embrace it. :) Happy March to you. Looking forward to the out like a lamb part of the month...

  2. Oh, it looks very wintery there yet! So good that you have such wonderful projects to do indoors.

  3. You look beautiful to me! My hair, precious little of it, is coming back in silvery. I’ll take it!

    Your grands are out in her winter sweater and the other enjoying a snack all cozy.

    Let’s pray, wash our hands, and believe for the best. 😊

  4. Your little lambs are the sweetest! What did we ever do without them? Don't you just love being a grandmother?! And those beautiful silver hairs are gorgeous on grandmothers! You look wonderful!

  5. Terrific shot of the owl, but it's the little lambs that are the show stoppers in this post! Sorry I haven't visited your blog in awhile, Rosella. Life's been busy, and now suddenly it's turned into the Twilight Zone. I hope that all your loved ones stay healthy!


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....