Sunday, March 28, 2021

Lenten Roses

 The Lenten Roses (Helleborus) which are blooming
in our front "new to us" flower bed
have a very special meaning to me this year!
Thank you to the planter of these flowers.

These beautiful flowers are the first to bloom and bridge the gap between Winter and Spring.
I've tried to grow them on the farm with little success.
Their essence is known to "sooth sorrow, sadness, and bring calm and acceptance".

How perfect as we prepare our hearts and minds,
as believers, of the incredible sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Oh what a month it's been so far!
In spite of uncertainty and waiting for surgery and test results,
the warm Spring days and sleep overs have brought joy to our hearts.
Thankful for these precious little humans in our life!

Tiny ice-cream cones on Papa's Upper Deck

Fun at "Meemee's" park

Going for walks around the "goose" pond

It's time to do some Easter baking, gathering onion skins for the "bunny eggs",
and creating a butter lamb or two ... welcome distractions this year.
What goodies are you preparing for Easter?

The "kids" have moved to the farm and are getting settled in.

God is Good!

Till next time - stop to smell the lenten roses and enjoy each and every new day!


  1. The Lenten Roses are so lovely. I knew nothing of such flowers until Ellen showed some at her former home. I was smitten even if I rarely see them in my corner.

    Easter is different this year as we accommodate work schedules. That's okay. I have longer to prepare. 🌷

  2. Easter week is a favorite. Looks like you are settling into your new spot and your dear grands are bonding with your home and surroundings, too. Continued prayers for this time of waiting and uncertainty. I'm glad Lenten roses are blooming for you there. I miss mine.

  3. The beautiful Lenten rose! Nice pic of the grands having ice-cream with Papa. Hugs and prayers!

  4. I just realized it's been a while since I visited! you have such a beautiful view there with the pond and I love that porch where Papa and grands are eating ice cream. I had that same Lenten rose plant in my old house and will have to find another one for here. Always a first welcomd sight after winter! I pray for your peace and that your prayers are answered.


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...