Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Lock Down Days

Not too much happening over here,
Still in Covid lock-down which has just been extended till past May 24!

Seven months and counting since bedroom suite ordered,
Retailers continue to struggle and are trying to "hang on",

Shopping online for essentials and not so essentials,

Wayfair purchase - much assembly was required!

Shepherd's Fashions - Ottawa.
Online shopping distraction - I may need an intervention.

Many rooms and corners still unfurnished,
Screen time is way up,
No visitors nor any visiting - even Zoom visiting is becoming rare,
Unseasonably cool weather with nightly frost warnings,
Gardening mostly on hold.

It all sounds so dismal and depressing.
Well, to be honest, it sometimes is!

In spite of it all - Spring is still springing and the days are longer.
The cool weather has made all the Spring flowers last longer than usual.

Tulips at the farm

The woods are abloom with Trilliums
and the blossoms and leaves are just ready to pop!

Mother's Day brought a special delivery by two of the sweetest little humans.

Blinds have been installed - I love them!

The farmland is being prepared and planted
and my farmer has had a slow start. It's hard to hold him down.
If you have been following, you know that he's had a major set-back.
However, the good news is that he is healing and is getting more and more mobile.
Even to the point that he's been on the tractor the last couple of days.
After many appointments, MRIs, Ultra Sounds, CT and PT scans,
we wait to hear what the next weeks and months hold for his treatment.

We feel all the prayers and good wishes from everyone!
Our hearts are full of love and hope.
We feel held in the hands of God and await His timing and plans for our lives.

Till next time ... keep the faith and stay well my dear readers!

When the Sedum grows into a heart.


  1. Love that bench and your blinds. Happy to hear the Farmer is improving. Continued prayers for good treatment and outcomes. Happy belated Mother's Day to you.

  2. He's on the tractor? Now that's what farmers do. Your home is looking beautiful in spite of any sparseness you are experiencing. It takes so long for anything these days...seems as if everything is in short supply and so costly.

    You, my dear, are looking wonderful.

    I have really come to dislike the message regarding my screen time. The nerve! 😏

  3. Smiling here, that your farmer is in the tractor. That is good to hear! My hubby has also found the tractor to be the best place to isolate this past week. Your place is looking good...as are you. Love your hair.

  4. Awe ... so fun to visit! I think I looked at that same bench a number of times when I was always on Wayfair to get our rooms done last year. It looks beautiful in your entrance! I like how you've grown out your hair and I'm so happy that your dear farmer is doing well. Continuing to pray.


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...