Sunday, November 21, 2021

Broken Hearts

Morning has broken,
and so have our hearts ...

The hardest post I've ever done - right here.


Early Sunday morning,
One painful and surreal week ago!
19 years to the day that my mother passed away,
Held by Becky and Patrick,
Standing on holy ground beside his bed,
5:15 a.m.
Funeral arrangements being made by 1:15 p.m.
Struggling to stay present and focused.
Barely breathing ...

A full day making arrangements, pulling pictures, selecting songs, breathing...
Reflections on a blessed and well lived life,
Leaning hard on a very capable daughter and son-in-law.

A blur of visitations - private family night,
Many tears and deep sorrow,
Beautiful flowers everywhere.

Full day of public viewing and visitation,
Masked faces,
An act of kindness by a cousin providing a venue for our evening meal
arranged by cousins and friends.

Private pre-service burial,
Nephews as pallbearers,
Surrounded by a loving and caring family,
Deep and meaningful embraces graveside,
Unbearable grief.
Celebration of Life Service ... so beautiful, so meaningful!
Church Family, Relatives and Friends surround,
Readings by nieces,
Tribute by a loving brother,
A poem written by a dear friend,
Compassionate message by Pastor Julie,
Music led by an amazing Sister-In-Law and friends,
Grandchildren, Family, and Congregation sitting six feet apart, 
Covid restrictions and Social Distancing making things strained and strange,
Ushered outside for some socializing.
Still Breathing ...

A calendar suddenly empty!
Is this even real?

Till next time ... whatever will we do without Popa???  Love you for ever and ever. Till we meet again!

Merciful Lord, give us the strength
       we need to get through this emptiness and pain.
Tears and sorrow overwhelming us all.
Breathing ...
One day at a time ...

Morning photo taken of the farm by a thoughtful neighbour, Michelle Martin


  1. Awww, Rosella, I am so very sorry for your loss. May The Lord comfort you and the entire family in the way that only He can. This was a beautiful tribute.

  2. Hello Rosella. Your sad news touches those of us who know you and your family only through your blog. I'm very sorry for your great loss. Denise - a reader from the States.

  3. Oh dear Rosella. Your words really express what grief is and how hard separation on earth is. Reading this with tears for you and your family. Prayers go up for you and this journey you are on. Love and hugs.

  4. Oh, Rosella. This is the news I dreaded to hear. Even though we are friends online, we are friends nonetheless and my heart hurts because yours is hurting so deeply with such fresh, raw grief. Your Jim will be dearly missed.

    I can only promise my prayers as you walk through these next days, knowing that our loving Lord will give you grace for each day. One day at a time . . . even one moment at a time . . .

    My love and prayers . . .

  5. Such sadness and such a beautiful tribute! My heart goes out to you. Praying for you and your family as you continue the journey without Popa.

  6. Rosella, I am so saddened to hear of the passing of your dear husband. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew him. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

  7. Dear Rosella, you posted this most difficult post ... and I thank you for sharing your raw emotions, bringing tears to my eyes. "Till we meet again" feels so far away and I can't even imagine this unbearable grief that is yours! The questions, the loneliness and sorrow. I pray that God's comfort and the hope we have will sustain you, along with the love of your dear family and friends.
    Your pastor knows you well and spoke with such compassion. What a blessing to be part of a believing community that is there to help. I wish I could put a lunch date on that calendar. Sending a big hug.💓

  8. Oh, I'm so, so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news, Rosella. You and the farmer had such a wonderful life with each other and made so many precious memories together. Sending you love and a big hug, my friend. xoxo


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