Sunday, July 28, 2024


 How is your summer going?

It's been hot and wet over here,
unlike hot and dry in some areas.
The unstoppable devastating fires in Alberta are sobering and tragic!

July is at it's end and I have not much to share.
It went by so very fast even though I really tried to slow things down.

I'll let these few snaps tell the rest of the story:

Saskatoon Berry picking with dear friends

There may be some jams and pies in my future?

Swan Lake - in my back yard!

Come with me on my walk ... beautiful Stratford

July kittens, swims, bird watching, and picnics on the deck!

The best of days!

Lavender Farm outing with a friend

And now she's NINE!!!

Family gathering at the "home" farm

Binding some love into this quilt for a beloved 
sister's granddaughter.

Ice-cream on the blue bench. A fun outing!

We are smack-dab in the middle of summer right now.
Looking forward to August with lots of Grammie time to come.
Let's have a "slow" August and make this summer last.

Till next time ... pausing to breath and to enjoy these summer days. What a privilege this is ...


  1. Beautiful post again, Rosella! How cute are those fluffy kittens!!💕

  2. The fires are sad to see and hear about. We have several being battled around these parts, too. You have had a great variety of summer fun. Nine! Boy time does fly when you have grandchildren. Happy belated birthday to her. Enjoy the last days of July!

  3. I, too, am wondering how we can be at the end of July already. The days just keep rolling by.
    Happy birthday to your dear granddaughter (speaking of time passing)! Your July has been filled with lovely things! The parade of swans made me smile . . . as did the kittens . . . as did the happy grandchildren!


Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....